[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the rapid progress of aerospace technology, mankind's ability to explore deep space is becoming stronger and stronger. Exploration, development and utilization of outer space resources have also become an important subject of deep space exploration in the 21 st century. The research and application of software radio technology bring powerful technical support for deep space exploration. This paper first summarizes some representative receivers developed by domestic and foreign research institutes of radio science receivers, and analyzes its hardware architecture. The design characteristics of several generation radio science receiver (RSR, Radio Science Receiver) and the realization method of the control system are analyzed emphatically. Then, based on the summary of the structure of RSR system and the technology of (SOPC, System on Programmable Chips) on programmable chip, a method to realize the control system in field programmable gate array (FPGA, Field Programmable Gate Array) on RSR system is presented. It saves the single additional control module in the original system, saves the resources, makes the hardware design and software development of RSR system more efficient and simple, and improves the reliability of RSR system. The MicroBlaze soft core processor is used as the core processor of the SOPC platform, and the hardware platform of the control system is designed and implemented in FPGA. On the basis of this hardware platform, PetaLinux is selected as the operating system of its control system. According to the characteristics of RSR system, a lot of tailoring work is done to PetaLinux, and the transplant of PetaLinux system in RSR and the design of operating system software platform are completed. Finally, the overall design of the application software of RSR control system is completed on the SOPC platform, including configuring the clock chip to output two clock signals with the frequency of 2304MHz and 288MHz at the same time. The working mode design of (ADC, Analog to Digital Converter) 4-channel sampling rate of 1.152Gsps is realized, and the network communication function of general digital processing platform and the design of driving module of RSR system are realized by using lightweight Internet protocol. The function of RSR control system is realized.
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