[Abstract]:In order to realize the global coverage of the land communication network to the mountains and oceans, and to deal with the damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, it is necessary to study and construct the integrated network of space and earth. The adjacent space network in the integrated air space network is located in the middle of the satellite network and the ground network, and plays an important role in the integration of space and earth networks. In this paper, the integrated network of space and earth is taken as the whole research background, and the two-layer air-to-ground network composed of the adjacent space network and the ground network is mainly studied, and the satellite network is taken as the important supplement of the air-to-ground network at the same time. This paper focuses on the routing problem of air-to-ground networks. This paper first introduces the open-ground network system, including the network architecture and the characteristics of each subnet. In order to route in such a system, this paper summarizes the existing routing, synthesizes the characteristics of the air-to-ground network, and explains the need to adopt dynamic semi-centralized and semi-distributed integrated routing design method in the air-to-ground network. Then according to the current situation of the research on the air-to-ground network routing and the requirements of the air-to-ground network routing the logical flattening routing mechanism is designed. This mechanism flattens the air-ground double-layer network topology and forms a single-layer network topology containing the topology information of the whole air-ground network. The optimal routing can be obtained by using this topology for routing computation. In order to realize the logical flattening routing mechanism, it is necessary to measure the different nature of the link through the same measurement method, that is, the link quality measurement. In order to fully measure the difference between wired and wireless links in air-ground networks, a new measurement method, mETT (mobility ETT), is proposed, which can simultaneously reflect the performance of links in terms of delay, bandwidth, packet loss and stability. Finally, the flat routing mechanism and synthetic metric mETT are simulated with OPNET simulation tools. Finally, it is proved that the flat routing mechanism is superior to the traditional hierarchical routing mechanism in packet sending rate and delay, and mETT can comprehensively measure the performance of the link in terms of packet loss, delay, bandwidth and stability. The application of logical flattening routing mechanism and mETT to the air-to-ground network can reduce the design complexity of the adjacent space platform and improve the transmission performance of the air-to-ground network.
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