[Abstract]:Interference alignment can effectively overcome the shortcomings of traditional interference management methods and improve the degree of freedom of the system. It has become an effective interference management method applied to interference channels. For the multi-user interference channel without middle succession, the interference alignment algorithm requires all the sending nodes to have global channel state information, which greatly increases the system overhead. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the multi-user relay interference channel, and studies the corresponding interference alignment algorithm for different relay modes to improve the performance of the system. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. The system models of K user interference channel and K user relay interference channel are built. The basic principle of interference alignment algorithm in different models is studied, and its performance is simulated and analyzed. 2. For K user relay interference channel, a signal transmission processing method combining interference alignment algorithm and Alamouti space-time coding is designed. In this method, the transmitted signals are encoded by Alamouti at each user transmitter. The Alamouti space-time symbol is sent to the receiving end. By designing the interference alignment precoding matrix at the relay terminal, the interference signal is aligned at the receiving end, and the desired signal is obtained after the interference signal is eliminated. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method can improve diversity gain of multi-user relay interference channels. This paper presents a signal transmission processing method for K user dual relay system. The received signal is transmitted alternately and the interference alignment matrix between relays is designed. The method overcomes the loss of the system rate caused by the relaying half-duplex mode. Through analysis and simulation, it is shown that the proposed method can improve the degree of freedom of K user relay channel and thus improve the system capacity.
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