[Abstract]:The problem of factorization of positive large numbers is a famous mathematical problem that remains to be solved by the international scientific community. Because the product of two large prime numbers is easier to decompose than its composite number, it has important applications in modern cryptography. Therefore, the problem has attracted the attention of mathematicians and computer scientists all over the world. Mr. Liu is a scientist in the United States and a former researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was invited to the (QUT) Information Security Center of Queensland University of Technology Australia in 1992 to study cryptography. In the same year went to Silicon Valley to engage in information security research and product development. So far, he has obtained 4 patents for information security in the United States, and has intellectual property rights in Europe, China and other countries and regions. He has published more than 80 articles and published academic works, and has been employed as a number of major companies.
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