[Abstract]:With the development of modern communication, radar, electronic countermeasure and other fields, the antenna, which is an important part of the system, is becoming more and more important. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the wide band and high gain array antenna because of its important theoretical significance and practical value. In this paper, based on the engineering project, the characteristics and application of the skew polarization ultra-wideband tapered slot array antenna with four times working bandwidth are studied. The main contents are as follows: the combined tuning of power divider and tapered slot antenna unit is studied. Based on the analysis of the structural characteristics and impedance characteristics of the antenna unit fed by the ultra-wideband tapered slot antenna, the simulation design of the partial power divider and the antenna is combined to simplify the design of the whole array. In this paper, the electromagnetic characteristics of the antenna elements of ultra-wideband tapered slot array in infinite periodic environment are studied. Based on the strong coupling effect between the elements, a microstrip wideband (UWB) tapered slot antenna is designed in an infinite period. The effects of different structure parameters on the active voltage standing wave ratio and radiation characteristics of the antenna are simulated and analyzed. In order to improve the stability of the structure, the support frame is introduced into the antenna array, and its influence on the antenna characteristics is simulated and analyzed. The wideband tapered slot antenna is studied, and the realization of dual polarization is simulated. The UWB conical slot limited array antenna is studied. A seven-group of skew polarization ultra-wideband tapered slot array antenna is designed, which operates at 0.5GHz ~ 2GHz. The antenna elements were inclined along 45 degrees and distributed symmetrically along the center line of the floor. Metal plates were added among the units to adjust the coupling of the elements. Considering the stability of the antenna, the stable structure of the bracing frame is introduced, and the comparison of the electrical characteristics before and after the introduction is carried out. Finally, physical processing and testing are carried out, and the effectiveness of the design method is partly verified.
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