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发布时间:2018-11-09 10:23
[Abstract]:In order to resist the harm caused by this kind of attack, the anti-disclosure cryptography comes into being in order to resist the physical attack of the cryptosystem when it runs in the real environment. In the scenario under consideration, the enemy can obtain additional information about the internal execution state of the cryptographic system, so it is more challenging to construct a secure cryptographic scheme in this environment than to construct a traditional cryptographic scheme. Especially when the enemy can continuously obtain information about the internal state, that is, the model does not pre-limit the total amount of information the enemy can obtain, the task of constructing the corresponding cryptographic scheme will become very difficult. Therefore, we need to develop new technology to solve this problem. In this paper, we will focus on the hashing proof system as a technical means, and study how to develop and utilize this technique to construct a public-key encryption scheme in a continuous memory leak scenario. The hash proof system is a basic tool for constructing public key encryption schemes in undisclosed and bounded leak scenarios. However, it is not clear how to use the hash proof system to construct a public key encryption scheme in a continuous leak scenario. In this paper, we will introduce a variant of the hash proof system, the updatable hash proof system, and use this new tool to solve the problem of constructing a public-key encryption scheme in a continuous leak scenario. As the name implies, the updatable hash proof system is a hash proof system with the ability to update the private key. In addition, we also require it to maintain some good properties of the hash proof system in a continuous memory leak scenario. It can be seen that the updatable hash proof system is very suitable for constructing public key encryption schemes with different security levels in continuous memory scenarios and can be instantiated based on some common assumptions. Our contributions mainly include the following three aspects: firstly, our new tool, the updatable hash proof system, provides a new perspective for the construction of public key cryptography in a continuous memory leak scenario. And for some of the existing programs to bring a new interpretation. Secondly, we find that for almost all known public key encryption schemes based on hash proof systems, we simply replace the hash proof system in the scheme with an updatable hash proof system. The scheme can be upgraded to a scheme that can resist continuous memory attack without lowering the original security properties of the scheme. It should be pointed out here that the resistance to continuous memory leakage comes entirely from the updatable hash proof system itself, and the structure of the whole scheme remains unchanged, which also brings great convenience to the upgrade of the cryptographic system. Finally, we find that we can instantiate the updatable hash proof system based on the common assumptions on bilinear groups. Moreover, the instantiated scheme has a high efficiency. In particular, the efficiency of the scheme proposed in this paper is far better than that of the existing scheme for the selection of ciphertext secure public key encryption schemes in continuous memory leak scenarios.


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