[Abstract]:Compared with scalar antennas, polarization-sensitive array signal processing increases the dimension of polarization parameter estimation, and improves the output performance of array signal processing (including parameter estimation) by using the spatial and polarization domain information of incident signal simultaneously. So more and more researchers in the field of array signal processing pay more and more attention. The traditional joint polarization-spatial domain spectral estimation method uses the rotation invariance of polarization-spatial domain to solve the direction of arrival (pitch angle, azimuth) and polarization state (auxiliary polarization angle, polarization phase difference). However, there are amplitude and phase errors in practice, which result in the rotation invariance is difficult to satisfy, and the performance of parameter estimation is degraded or even completely invalid. To solve this problem, compression sensing is considered to reduce the complexity of hardware and algorithm and to improve the performance of parameter estimation of polarization-sensitive arrays in the case of amplitude-phase error. Therefore, based on complete electromagnetic vector sensor and tri-orthogonal dipole array, the parameter estimation performance of polarization-sensitive array based on compression sensing is studied. Aiming at the problem of poor precision of parameter estimation of complete electromagnetic vector sensor, a joint polarization-spatial domain VS-OMP (Vector-Sensor Orthogonal Matching Pursuit) compressed sensing spectrum estimation method) based on complete electromagnetic vector and Z-axis polarization direction plane array of magnetic field is proposed. Firstly, the time shift invariance is used to estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) and polarization state of the signals received by the complete electromagnetic vector sensor at the origin of the coordinate axis. Secondly, taking the direction of arrival as the center and the given error range as the radius, the spatial local splicing dictionary of the plane array is established, and then the precise estimation of the direction of arrival is realized by the orthogonal matching tracking method. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, and show that the performance of the method is close to that of the rotating invariant subspace (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques,ESPRIT method in the case of single source, but in the case of strong or weak multi-source, the performance of the proposed method is similar to that of the rotation-invariant subspace method. The estimation accuracy of ESPRIT method and VS-OMP method are not high. In view of the coexistence of strong and weak signals and the existence of amplitude and phase errors, a robust compression sensing parameter estimation method based on the separation of strong and weak signals based on three orthogonal dipole arrays is proposed. For the three electric field components received by the triorthogonal dipole array, the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of the three sets of dipole arrays is realized by using the OMP method, and the numerical average of these three sets of estimation results are obtained. Secondly, the enhancement of weak signal and the suppression of strong signal are realized by the method of shape preserving zero adjustment, and the pollution of polarization information is avoided. Finally, the polarization state of strong and weak target is calculated by solving the normalized electric field vector solution. The simulation results show that the proposed method improves the performance of polarization-spatial parameter estimation in the presence of amplitude-phase errors. In the case of coherent sources, the parameter estimation of coherent sources can be realized without additional processing. In general, compared with the traditional joint polarization-spatial spectral estimation method based on ESPRIT, the performance of polarization-sensitive array parameter estimation can be improved by using compressed sensing method in the case of coherent source and amplitude and phase error.
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