[Abstract]:Aeronautical ad hoc network is a distributed multi-hop network which uses airborne communication equipment to complete communication between aircraft in flight. It is the application of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) technology in aviation field. By using the aeronautical ad hoc network technology, a certain range of aircraft can set up the network and complete the communication by themselves, which makes the communication process completely free from the dependence on the fixed infrastructure, and greatly enhances the freedom of flight of the aircraft. It is of great significance to civil aviation and military aviation. At present, the network structure of mobile ad hoc networks is mostly planar and clustered, but in some special scenarios, the planar structure and clustering structure can not meet the needs of the network. This paper introduces a hierarchical network structure of aircraft formation according to the function of aircraft. The backbone network is composed of some aircraft with special functions, which is responsible for connecting the subnets distributed in different airspace, which plays a supporting role to the whole network. The subnet consists of aircraft belonging to the same formation. The nodes connected to backbone network and subnet are called gateway nodes, and the communication between different subnets depends on the forwarding of gateway nodes. The traditional Ad Hoc network routing protocol can not adapt to the high dynamic and low bandwidth network state of the aeronautical ad hoc network. More seriously, it can not realize the cross-network data transmission in the face of the new structure of the aviation ad hoc network. Therefore, this paper designs a subnet routing protocol based on cross-layer approach for a specific network environment. The subnet routing protocol consists of three parts, namely, internal subnet routing, exit gateway routing and gateway to destination node routing protocol. The three routing protocols are based on the principle of the shortest end-to-end delay. In this paper, single-path routing is established for different transmission stages through flooding convergence. With the cooperation of backbone network routing, unicast transmission paths can be provided for data communication between any two nodes in the network, so that the whole network can be truly interconnected and interoperable. Finally, the performance of the routing algorithm is verified by OPNET simulation software. The simulation results show that the proposed subnet routing algorithm can effectively deal with the rapidly changing topology of the ad hoc network, maintain the routing with low overhead, and provide reliable guarantee for the data transmission between nodes in the network.
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