[Abstract]:With the continuous development of network technology and the increasing popularity of network applications, providing high-quality services for users has gradually become a subject of concern and research. The quality of service (QoS) of user service is closely related to the allocation of network bandwidth resources. The allocation of bandwidth resources is related to the packet scheduling algorithm, so the packet scheduling algorithm should be able to ensure the delay requirements of real-time traffic and serve each traffic flow fairly. This paper presents a new cyclic scheduling algorithm, MURR (Modified Uniform Round Robin), MURR algorithm, which is improved on the basis of URR (Uniform Round Robin) algorithm. The simulation results show that the MURR algorithm has high fairness, low delay and can be used in high-speed networks. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) A variety of scheduling algorithms are compared and simulated. It is concluded that the fairness and delay performance of the existing algorithms need to be improved. It is imperative to introduce a new round-robin scheduling algorithm. (2) through the simulation and analysis of the new cyclic scheduling algorithm, it is confirmed that the proposed scheme has some advantages over the existing algorithms in the implementation of delay and fairness.
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