[Abstract]:With the wide application of wireless network, its security has become one of the focus issues. Because of the openness of wireless network links and the limitation of computing resources, it is more vulnerable to various attacks than fixed networks. In particular, some existing security authentication mechanisms in wireless networks, because of the defects of their design mechanisms, are very vulnerable to the threat of denial of service (DoS) attacks, and this threat is the greatest threat to the network and difficult to defend. In this paper, the anti-DoS attack technology of two typical authentication mechanisms in wireless local area network (WLAN) is studied. One is a widely deployed wireless network with a central infrastructure. The IEEE802.11i security standard commonly used in this kind of network has defects in the access authentication link, which makes the wireless access point AP vulnerable to denial of service attacks. The other is the non-central vehicle Ad Hoc network, which has defects in the process of security authentication of broadcast messages based on digital signature, which will also lead to serious denial of service attacks. In view of the above two problems, the feasible solutions are put forward respectively. Firstly, aiming at the defects of IEEE802.11i access authentication mechanism, a wireless local area network access authentication anti-DoS attack scheme based on low cost RFID tag is proposed, which greatly reduces the influence of DoS attack on access point. In this scheme, a new Client puzzle construction method based on low cost RFID tag is designed, which is affixed to the mobile terminal device (STA) with reader function in deployment. STA completes the submission of the authentication request with the assistance of the secret calculation of the label. Compared with the traditional anti-DoS attack scheme, this scheme not only avoids the influence of different computing power of access devices against DoS attack, but also solves the problem that the traditional anti-DoS scheme will introduce new DoS attacks. At the same time, This scheme maximizes the balance of resources between STA and AP, and has less impact on wireless network access. Secondly, aiming at the problem of DoS attack in wireless vehicle network broadcast message, a broadcast authentication mechanism based on Client puzzle is proposed, which combines strong authentication with weak authentication to resist DoS attack against broadcast authentication message. The construction of, Client puzzle mechanism in the scheme is based on the difficulty of quadratic residue. RSU broadcast the parameters used to construct puzzle in beacon frame, so that the protocol can not be added. In addition, in order to improve the anti-DoS attack ability of the whole authentication protocol, the self-authenticated public key cryptosystem is used to realize the public key management, which can reduce the signaling and computing overhead caused by the certificate-based public key cryptosystem.
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