[Abstract]:With the continuous development of wireless communication system, the contradiction between the scarcity of spectrum resources and the low spectrum efficiency has become one of the key problems that restrict the performance of the system. As an important means to alleviate this contradiction, multiple input multiple output (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO) technology has received great attention and extensive research in recent years. Through spatial reuse, this technology can significantly improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization. In addition, cognitive radio (Cognitive Radio,CR) and hybrid cellular technology can improve the flexibility of spectrum use and frequency reuse, and also become an effective means to improve spectral efficiency. MIMO technology is combined with cognitive system and hybrid cellular system. The system capacity and spectrum efficiency can be further improved. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the transmission mechanism to increase spectral efficiency is studied in the cognitive MIMO multiuser uplink communication scenario in the area covered by authorized base station and cognitive base station. Using the cooperation between authorized base station and cognitive base station, a signal processing algorithm based on interference alignment and cancellation (Interference Alignment and Cancellation,IAC is designed, which not only ensures the high priority of authorized communication, but also enables cognitive users to obtain valuable communication opportunities. The difference of spatial transmission performance of different channel matrices is used for user scheduling. This mechanism realizes the coexistence of authorization system and cognitive system without interference. Compared with the traditional transmission mechanism based on interference alignment (Interference Alignment,IA), spatial channel resources are effectively utilized. The simulation results show that the data rate of authorized users is improved by cooperative signal processing on the base station side, and the transmission rate of cognitive system increases with the increase of the number of cognitive users because of the multi-user diversity gain. Next, for the hybrid cellular uplink communication system based on MIMO technology, which coexists macro cellular (Macrocell) and picocellular (Picocell), considering the path loss and the relative position relationship of the cell, Under the condition of practical factors such as user transmission power difference, an adaptive transmission mechanism based on interference adaptation selection is proposed. According to the influence of cellular position relationship on uplink mutual interference, symmetrical interference and asymmetric interference models are established. Using the cooperation of base station side, the signal processing algorithm based on IAC is designed respectively, and the receiving filtering mode is selected adaptively in the asymmetric interference model to realize the concurrent communication between macro user and picocellular user. The simulation results show that in the symmetric interference scenario, the proposed mechanism can significantly improve the transmission rate of macro users by cooperative reception of the data carried by the strong interference signal. In the asymmetric interference model, picocellular users adopt a signal processing algorithm suitable for their own channel transmission, which can not only ensure the data transmission quality of macro users, but also improve their own data rate.
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