[Abstract]:In order to more systematically and scientifically evaluate the display quality of the glasses type three-dimensional device, the crosstalk rate, the brightness, the contrast, the color temperature and the color gamut of the current glasses type 3D display are measured. First, the related test scheme is designed according to the imaging principle of the glasses type stereoscopic device. The results of the test show that the left-eye crosstalk of the color-fraction 3D display is 3%, the right eye is 9%, the crosstalk of the polarization type 3D display is the lowest of 1.79%, the cross-talk in the vertical direction is in an oscillating distribution, and the crosstalk of the time-division type 3D display is the lowest, and the cross-talk is up to 0.37%; The brightness of the glasses type 3D display is greatly reduced in the 3D mode, wherein the brightness of the time-division type 3D display is only 6.97cd/ m2 in the 3D mode, and the contrast of the time-division type 3D display is reduced greatly; and in terms of the color gamut, the color gamut coverage rate of the time-division type display in the 3D mode is 72.7%, The color gamut coverage of the color fraction 3D display in the 3D mode is only 0.3%, as compared to the 2D mode. The above data can provide a useful reference for the selection of the device and the optimization of the product performance.
【作者单位】: 中山大学光电材料与技术国家重点实验室;中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院;
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