本文选题:无线局域网 + 信道绑定 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着无线通信技术的发展和便携式智能设备的广泛应用,人们对无线局域网的需求日益增长,对吞吐量的要求也越来越高。为了应对密集场景下的无线通信需求,IEEE802.11工作组开始研究下一代无线局域网标准——802.11ax。信道绑定技术通过绑定更多的带宽来直接提升吞吐量,传统的802.11标准都使用20MHz的频带宽度,802.11n标准中绑定了相邻的两个20MHz信道,形成40MHz的带宽,来成倍提高数据传输速率。在802.11ac标准中可以使用40MHz、80MHz和可选的160MHz带宽。带宽的扩展使得有限的频谱资源下可同时使用的频带资源更加缺乏,现有信道绑定技术在密集网络环境下仍然存在信道利用率不高和碰撞概率较大的缺点,导致了吞吐量的下降。论文主要研究了下一代WLAN下的绑定信道技术,目的是在密集网络中能够进一步提高信道利用率,减小碰撞,从而改善网络吞吐量性能。论文首先对现有标准中的信道绑定技术及相应的MAC层协议进行研究,并且结合下一代WLAN标准802.11ax在密集场景下的传输需求,分析了当前信道绑定机制存在的不足。接着,论文对下一代WLAN中的非连续信道绑定进行了研究,分析了等效带宽和吞吐量性能,并提出在RTS/CTS中增加相应的字段来支持非连续信道绑定。最后,论文根据传统的DCF机制以及非连续信道绑定的特性,提出了一种基于信道绑定的主辅信道双重退避机制来避免冲突。论文利用Matlab对其性能进行了仿真分析,并与原有CSMA/CA机制进行了对比,结果表明在大量用户有传输需求的密集场景下,主辅信道双重退避机制能够有效的避免冲突,并获得吞吐量的提升。为了进一步验证该方法的性能,论文仿真了 OBSS场景下的吞吐量,结果表明本文提出的新机制也能够有效改善OBSS场景下的吞吐量性能。
[Abstract]:With the development of wireless communication technology and the wide application of portable intelligent devices, the demand for wireless local area network (WLAN) is increasing, and the demand for throughput is becoming higher and higher. In order to meet the wireless communication requirements in intensive scenarios, the IEEE 802.11 working Group has begun to study the next generation WLAN standard, 802.11ax. Channel binding technology directly improves throughput by binding more bandwidth. The traditional 802.11 standard uses the bandwidth of 20MHz 802.11n to bind two adjacent 20MHz channels to form the bandwidth of 40MHz to multiply the data transmission rate. In the 802.11ac standard, you can use 40MHz Hz and optional 160MHz bandwidth. The bandwidth expansion makes the bandwidth resources which can be used simultaneously under the limited spectrum resources more scarce. The existing channel binding technology still has the shortcomings of low channel utilization and high collision probability in the dense network environment. Resulting in a decline in throughput. In this paper, we mainly study the channel binding technology in the next generation WLAN. The purpose of this paper is to further improve the channel utilization and reduce collisions in dense networks, thus improving the throughput performance of the network. Firstly, this paper studies the channel binding technology and the corresponding MAC layer protocol in the existing standards, and analyzes the shortcomings of the current channel binding mechanism according to the transmission requirements of the next generation WLAN standard 802.11ax in the dense scenario. Then, the paper studies the discontinuous channel binding in the next generation WLAN, analyzes the equivalent bandwidth and throughput performance, and proposes to add the corresponding fields in the RTS/CTS to support the discontinuous channel binding. Finally, according to the traditional DCF mechanism and the characteristics of discontinuous channel binding, a dual-Backoff mechanism based on channel binding is proposed to avoid conflicts. This paper uses Matlab to simulate and analyze its performance, and compares it with the original CSMA/CA mechanism. The results show that the dual Backoff mechanism can effectively avoid the collision in the dense scenario with a large number of users with transmission requirements. And gain throughput. In order to further verify the performance of the proposed method, the throughput of the OBSS scenario is simulated. The results show that the proposed new mechanism can also improve the throughput performance of the OBSS scenario effectively.
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