本文选题:稀疏贝叶斯学习 + 稀疏重构 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the array direction-finding system is faced with complex environments such as low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), correlation signal, multipath effect and so on. Traditional direction-finding methods, such as subspace methods, have been difficult to achieve accurate direction finding. The existing sparse reconstruction methods based on signal spatial sparsity show some obvious advantages, but these sparse reconstruction methods are limited by some factors and have some defects. In this paper, based on the spatial sparsity of signals, the problem of fast and high accuracy DOA estimation for correlated signals in point sources and coherent distributed sources in distributed sources is studied by using sparse Bayesian framework. The main contents and innovations are as follows: 1. The point source sparse representation model and the traditional coherent distributed source model are studied. Analysis based on 0? This paper mainly discusses the sparse Bayesian learning method in Bayesian method, and gives the theoretical framework of the sparse Bayesian learning method, which is related to the sparse reconstruction of norm and the estimation of maximum a posteriori probability. The related properties of Bayesian method in array direction finding are analyzed. Based on sparse Bayesian framework, a second order DOA estimation method based on array is proposed. Using covariance difference technique to suppress noise effect, a new spatial sampling method is used to form an overcomplete dictionary, which is transformed into a sparse model. Based on sparse Bayesian learning, DOA is estimated by an effective DOA search method. The computational complexity analysis of the proposed method is given, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of L1-SVD, which verifies the correctness and validity of the proposed method in beamspace. A fast and high precision DOA estimation method based on sparse Bayesian learning is proposed. The array output is mapped to beamspace and covariance is represented sparsely by overcomplete dictionaries with large angular intervals. Combining sparse Bayesian learning and DOA refinement estimation, a high accuracy DOA estimation of point source correlation signals is presented. The feasibility analysis of covariance sparse representation to increase SNR by increasing the number of beats and the computational complexity analysis of the proposed method are given, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of L1-SRACV and so on. The validity and validity of the proposed method are verified. 4. A method for estimating the parameters of one-dimensional coherent distributed sources based on sparse Bayesian learning is proposed. The sparse representation model of coherent one-dimensional distribution source is established and the generalized array prevalence matrix is formed by sampling the spatial domain and angular spread domain. On this basis, a sparse Bayesian learning method for estimating the parameters of coherent distributed sources is proposed. The angle parameters of distributed sources are estimated by rough estimation and refined estimation. The computational complexity analysis of the proposed method is given, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of DSPE and so on. The correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified.
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