[Abstract]:Vehicles are an essential part of the main modes of transportation in modern society. However, with the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles, more and more traffic jams and more accidents. Therefore, effective measures are needed to improve the efficiency of vehicle traffic, as well as better methods to avoid more car accidents. Therefore, the self-organizing network architecture of vehicle networking was proposed and designed. The protocol was first put forward by the United States, that is, WAVE1609, and then Europe also proposed the European standard vehicle networking protocol stack. In this paper, the main research object is European standard vehicle networking protocol stack. The European standard vehicle networking protocol stack mainly designs a self-organized network structure with vehicle as the main station, so as to adapt to the highly variable network topology. In addition, communication between vehicles requires a very high timeliness, so that the situation of the surrounding vehicles can be grasped more quickly, and events can be detected more quickly so that the relevant measures can be taken to avoid them. For the related products of vehicle networking, the realization of European standard protocol stack is not mature in China, and there are no related products, most of them stay in simulation. Mainly because the current protocol itself is not perfect, there are still many places only put forward the concept but no specific protocol provisions, in addition, there may be some areas in the vehicle network that can be improved and improved, such as the speed and quality of communication. The main work in this paper is as follows: 1. Firstly, it describes the European standard vehicle networking protocol stack and the basic functions of the key protocol stack, and then describes and analyzes the key protocol layer of the protocol stack in detail. Then it explains the basic principles and methods of the implementation of the protocol layer in this paper, which is also the focus of this paper. 2. On the basis of the realization, it is found that the privacy protection exists in the European standard vehicle networking protocol stack. Other third parties can get the message through the listening channel to analyze the corresponding vehicle's driving path. Based on the above problems, this paper analyzes the attack methods of possible privacy problems. 3. In this paper, aiming at the original signature method, we propose to use group signature technology to avoid the privacy leakage caused by signature, and propose the interaction mode and the method of group division. The corresponding primitives are then added to the security layer of the European standard vehicle networking protocol stack. 4. Aiming at the identifier in the protocol stack, a dynamic change identifier system is proposed. Based on vehicle initiation request, roadside nodes adjust and control, thereby increasing the complexity of identifier change, making it more difficult to track the specific values before and after the change of identifier, and confuse the privacy protected attacker.
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