[Abstract]:Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is widely used in today's society, but various factors limit the development and application of wireless sensor network. The sensor node can only be powered by a limited capacity battery and works in an unattended state for a long time, so it is not possible to supplement energy by replacing the battery. It is an effective way to collect energy from the surrounding environment in order to extend the service life of the wireless sensor network. At present, the energy is captured from the environment by means of temperature difference, pressure or vibration, electromagnetic wave energy and solar energy. Both energy and information are transmitted by radio waves in a manner in which the base station transmits energy to the sensor node in such a way that the base station radiates far-field radiation through the microwave. The energy of the energy base station in the mid-range transmission will decay very quickly, and the base station itself determines that it is not possible to repeat the construction of the base station in one area from the hardware configuration, the construction cycle, the location selection, and the construction cost, etc. There is therefore a need for a node that is simple in structure and which can amplify the power of the electromagnetic wave to solve the problem that the transmission distance is limited due to the large energy loss in the transmission process. In order to solve this problem, an energy transfer node (PTN) is introduced to try to increase the energy transmission distance of the base station and to increase the energy received by the WSN node. the so-called transfer node is essentially a means for amplifying the transmit power by means of an electromagnetic wave emitted by the energy base station on the transfer node, similar to the power amplifier in a wireless communication, to increase the energy received by the sensor node, And the working life cycle of the WSN is prolonged. In order to study the problem of energy supply in the transfer node in the WSN, the basic structural unit and the energy transmission model of the energy transfer node are described, and the power amplifier in the analog wireless communication system is used to increase the signal strength. In this paper, the transmission power of the electromagnetic wave is amplified by using the relay node to amplify the electromagnetic wave power, and then the energy received by the destination node is increased. because the position of the relay node is different, the instantaneous power of the energy base station is different, and the transmitted power is different, and the energy loss in the transmission process also changes with the change of the transmission power, Therefore, the transfer node is applied to a simple energy transmission model of only one energy base station and one working node, and the related problems of the model are simulated. Through simulation and analysis, the energy transmission efficiency ratio is the lowest when the position of the energy base station and the working node is constant and the transmission power of the energy base station is unchanged. As the transfer node is close to the energy base station or close to the working node, the energy transmission efficiency ratio is gradually increased. This indicates that when the working node is far from the energy base station and the received energy cannot meet its normal operation, the transfer node should be introduced at a far distance from the energy base station to improve the energy supply of the working node. In order to study the practical application scene of the transfer node, the energy base station and the relay node are introduced in the WSN, and a relay node energy supply protocol in the wireless sensor network is proposed, and the energy coverage and the survival rate of the node are simulated and analyzed. Through the comparison and analysis, the energy coverage and the survival rate of the wireless sensor network after introducing the relay node energy supply protocol are obviously improved, the working time of the nodes is prolonged, and the current situation of insufficient energy of the WSN is effectively solved.
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