[Abstract]:Electroencephalogram (EEG) (EEG) analysis has important reference value in the diagnosis of epileptic diseases. Automatic classification of EEG signals can be used to judge the patient's condition in time, and it is of great significance in clinical practice. In order to solve the problem of low recognition rate of EEG signals by single feature, and to avoid the influence of the selection of wavelet basis function on the classification results. In this paper, an automatic discrimination method for epileptic EEG signals based on S transform and permutation entropy (PE) is proposed. Firstly, the original EEG signals are transformed by discrete S transform, and then the coefficients of each rhythm of the transformed EEG signals are calculated. Together with the permutation entropy of EEG signals, the eigenvector is sent into the Real Ada Boost classifier to distinguish the epileptic phases. Using the database of epilepsy research center of Bonn University in Germany, the validity of three groups of EEG data in the epileptic foci and seizure phases of normal persons and epileptic patients during the intermittent period of onset of epilepsy was tested. The results show that the fluctuation index of each rhythm can effectively represent normal EEG signals in interictal and epileptic periods, and the recognition rate of multiple features is significantly better than that of a single feature, with an average recognition rate of 98.13%. Compared with extracting only time-frequency features or nonlinear features, the recognition rate is increased by 1.2% and 8.1% respectively, which is better than the methods reported in the literature. Therefore, this method has a good prospect in the diagnosis of epilepsy.
【作者单位】: 山东大学信息科学与工程学院;山东大学第二医院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61571274) 山东省自然科学杰出青年科学基金资助项目(201614) 山东大学青年学者未来计划资助项目(2015WLJH39)
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