[Abstract]:The popularization of the 3G network has accelerated the pace of people to the Internet era, and the communication operators have a large number of 3G users, and more and more researchers have joined the 3G network data analysis and research. However, the research on the 3G network data is mainly based on the analysis and research of the user's mobile behavior based on the operation and maintenance data, and the network behavior of the user is seldom involved. It is of great significance to study the network behavior of users in the large era of the Internet. By studying the network behavior of the mobile user, the operator can continuously track and record the network behavior of the user, explore the user's deep-level business demand, and also can use the results of the research to guide the development of the operator's marketing strategy, and the real realization of the user-oriented accurate marketing. In this paper, the identification of the mobile application is realized by using the acquired 3G core network data, and then the identification and prediction system of the user's network behavior is designed, and the network behavior of the user is analyzed in a more comprehensive way. The research work in this paper is divided into the following parts:1. This paper first introduces the purpose of user network behavior research and some research results on this subject at home and abroad, then introduces the acquisition and pre-processing of 3G core network data, determines the data collection interface and gives the realization process of source data pre-processing. A set of data available for analysis is obtained. And the analysis of the identification of the mobile application and the user's network behavior preference is realized. Through the DPI technology, this paper analyzes the current mobile application and extracts the characteristic value of each mobile application, then sets up the mobile application feature library according to the characteristic values, and recognizes the mobile application to be used by the user through the matching of the collected data and the feature library; On the basis of the identification of mobile applications, a user's network behavior preference analysis system based on the dispersity identification algorithm is proposed, and the user's online preference is analyzed. In this paper, the prediction model of network behavior is established by the decision tree algorithm, and the prediction of user's network behavior is realized. By comparing the common decision tree algorithm, the C4.5 algorithm is chosen to set up the decision tree, and the method of processing the continuous property is given. In this paper, the discrete process of the continuous attribute is completed, and the pruning and optimization of the prediction model are realized by the post-pruning technique, and the detailed implementation method is given, and a reliable network behavior prediction model is finally obtained.
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