本文关键词:基于嵌入式的心脏储备监测系统的设计 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 心脏储备 S3C2440 Linux操作系统 指标提取
[Abstract]:In recent decades, the way of human life has changed greatly with the progress of society. Cardiovascular disease has become a silent killer that leads to the death of human beings. Heart sound is a complex mixed signal, and is closely related to heart, blood vessels and valves. Many of the physiological and pathological information of cardiovascular is included. Therefore, heart sound detection and analysis is an important means of noninvasive detection and evaluation of cardiac function, and it also provides an important auxiliary method for auxiliary diagnosis of clinical cardiovascular diseases. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the gradual maturity of microelectronic technology, medical instruments have begun to develop in the direction of miniaturization. For these considerations, this paper designs a set of cardiac reserve monitoring system based on embedded system. The system is simple and small, allowing users to monitor their heart health at any time. First of all, in order to meet the requirement of the system this paper uses Samsung S3C2440A microprocessor as the hardware core, the development cost in the comprehensive consideration of various factors, the difficulty after transplantation in a variety of operating system in the Linux is selected as the core system software, and use QT graphical interface to design application. Then build an embedded system development environment based on Linux, including the establishment of the cross compiler, the transplant of the Linux kernel and the Qt library for the target board. Secondly, according to the demand of the system, the driver and the importance of the implementation of three important data structure based driver needs to grasp in understanding on the design and implementation of ADC driver, and write ADC drivers are compiled into the target machine kernel and transplanted to the target machine to meet the need of task. Again, design an application based on QT. This paper uses the technology of multi thread and double buffering to realize the collection, display and analysis of the heart sound wave. In order to extract the index accurately, we should first filter the signal in order to achieve this goal. In order to achieve this goal, this paper analyzes the implementation details of the wavelet threshold shrinkage method, and then implements it according to its process design algorithm. After pretreatment, the signal endpoint detection method based on short time energy and short-time zero crossing rate is used to extract 3 indexes D/S of cardiac reserve (the time interval ratio of cardiac diastole to systole), HR (heart rate), and S1/S2 (the ratio of the first heart sound to the second heart sound ratio). Finally, by testing the ADC driver, wavelet filtering, index extraction algorithm and application function test, it shows that the heart reserve monitoring system based on embedded system realizes its basic functions and can run stably.
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