本文选题:干涉仪 + 动镜运动控制 ; 参考:《中国科学院研究生院(上海技术物理研究所)》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Dynamic mirror space interferometer is an important space-borne infrared remote sensing instrument, which can obtain high sensitivity, high spectral resolution and multi-channel atmospheric radiation spectrum from the satellite. The vertical distribution of temperature and humidity in the atmosphere can be reversed. The long-term reliable operation of moving mirror system is an important guarantee to realize the function and performance index of interferometer. However, the space interferometer is faced with special working environment in orbit, such as satellite launch impact, microgravity environment, space particle radiation and so on. Therefore, a higher requirement for moving mirror system is put forward. In this paper, the determination of technical index, scheme design, key technology, system implementation and performance test results of the motion control system of interferometer moving mirror for space applications are described. In this paper, the supporting mode, type of moving mirror, driving motor, reference light source, protection measures of motion mechanism, control circuit scheme and speed measurement / speed control mode of typical space interferometer are investigated, and the commonness of the technical scheme is summarized. The space environment for the application of interferometer in orbit is introduced. The effects of effective stroke, velocity uniformity and sampling time base on the performance of interferometer are analyzed in detail. Through investigation and analysis, the main technical indexes and the overall technical scheme of the moving mirror system are determined. The key technologies such as locking and unlocking motion center positioning and motion control based on FPGA in the scheme are discussed respectively. The hardware realization methods of locking and unlocking device, motion actuator, motion positioning mechanism, position measurement module, digital control circuit, etc., as well as the adjustable expected motion law, motion center location, digital PID control, etc. Fault diagnosis and other software implementation methods. The research results show that the scheme of motion control system is feasible. The moving mirror system has the ability of anti-firing impact protection, adapting to microgravity environment and anti-irradiation, and the accuracy of moving center location can reach 1 ~ 2 reference laser half-wavelength. The RMS value of velocity fluctuation in uniform velocity region is less than 0.3, which is better than the required value of technical index. The results of this paper lay a good theoretical and technical foundation for the space engineering application of interferometer.
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