本文选题:AFM力检测 + 细胞力学特性 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:Cancer is one of the most common causes of disease and death today. To find effective methods and methods for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a hot topic in the medical field. Cancer cells are the source of cancer. The traditional biology mainly uses qualitative and non quantitative methods to study it, and there are many not enough. Quantitative research is considered as a breakthrough method for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The study of changes in mechanical properties of cells can accurately quantify the internal tissue changes of cells and the degree of cell lesions. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has a high precision of force resolution, precise and stable operation and the characteristics of the physiological environment. A powerful tool for studying the mechanical properties of cells. Because of the wide range of mechanical properties, this paper focuses on the study of several mechanical properties that have important effects on cell life processes. Cancer is a disease that produces infinite proliferation and destroys healthy tissue after normal cell mutation, and studies the mechanical properties of cell mitosis. It is an important point to study the mechanism of cancer cell lesion. AFM is carried on an inverted microscope to measure the balance force and the area of the middle section of cell lines in the mitosis of different cell lines. The internal pressure and volume of the cells are calculated by establishing a theoretical model. In the experiment, the traditional AFM plane cantilever beam probe is improved to be a wedge. The results show that the balance force, volume and pressure of cells in the mitotic period vary significantly with the cell lines, and provide reference data for the early diagnosis of cancer at the cell level. Cell stiffness is one of the identification of cancer cells and normal cells, and is also a medicine. An important breakthrough point in the research of cancer pathology in the study. Using the force imaging model of AFM, the change of cell morphology and stiffness in the biochemical reaction process is studied in real time. The theory of cell stiffness measurement established by the predecessors is analyzed in combination with the physical characteristics of living cells. The slope of the force displacement curve is defined as the cell rigidity. Degree, through the software analysis, the experimental data were effectively screened and processed to obtain the external morphology, the internal skeleton and the cell stiffness of the suspended human hepatocyte hemoglobin ligand (ephrin-A1) on the prostate cancer cell PC3. The results showed that the cell stiffness was not affected during the skeleton regrouping, and it was the cell stiffness. Quantitative research provides new reference information. Changes in cell adhesion characteristics are the preconditions for cancer cells to transfer from the primary tissue to healthy tissues. The molecular basis for quantitative study of cell adhesion mechanics is an important means to study the metastatic characteristics of cancer cells. By analyzing the mechanical principle of the single cell force spectrum technique, the relationship model of the adhesion force of the integrin - External matrix protein molecules connected to the single cell adhesion was proposed, and the single cell adhesion properties and the cell surface single - cell surface were measured and analyzed in combination with the mechanics principle of molecular connection dissociation. The change law of molecular adhesion characteristics reveals the molecular basis of the adhesion mechanics of the extracellular matrix, which provides a theoretical basis for understanding the basic biological characteristics of cancer. The complexity of the single cell force spectrum experiment results in the low efficiency of the experiment. In order to improve the efficiency of the experiment, the polymethylsiloxane (PDMS) zoning model is developed. The sample substrate was tested by AFM scan curettage and photobleaching respectively. The sample substrate with the zoning model was applied to the single cell force spectrum experiment. The measurement of the adhesion of the same cells to four different extracellular matrix proteins in the single cell force spectrum experiment was realized to improve the efficiency and reliability of the experiment. Sex, saving the experimental cost, laying the foundation for the engineering application of the experimental technology. The adhesion regulation of cancer cells is closely related to the diffusion and metastasis of cancer. Using the single cell force spectrum technique instead of traditional biological technology, the ephrin-A1 induced prostate cancer cells PC3 and I collagen are detected and quantified by the method of measuring adhesion force. PC3 cells are the cells of bone metastasis of prostate cancer, and I type collagen is the main component of human skeleton, so that the effect of ephrin-A1 can be seen. To change the bone metastases of PC3 in prostate cancer cells.
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