本文选题:激光雷达 切入点:舞蹈机器人 出处:《计算机工程》2017年06期
[Abstract]:In order to make the dance robot dynamically plan the path according to the pedestrian trajectory and enhance the ability of co-existence, an indoor pedestrian tracking method based on lidar is proposed. The laser raw data are obtained and preprocessed. According to the distribution characteristics of laser data, the DBSCAN algorithm is optimized, the fast clustering of laser data is realized, the environment segmentation is completed, and the pedestrian recognition method based on the distance from cluster to lidar and the width of pedestrian body is given. The position of the pedestrian cluster is taken as the initial tracking position, the laser data is graphically displayed, and the laser data is converted into video data. The particle filter algorithm is used to track the pedestrian and draw the trajectory in real time. The experimental results show that, This method can obtain better pedestrian recognition and tracking effect, and has better real-time performance.
【作者单位】: 清研华宇智能机器人(天津)有限责任公司;清华大学机械工程系;
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