本文选题:机器人 + 轨迹规划 ; 参考:《上海电机学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The shipbuilding industry in China is experiencing a period of rapid development, and the technical requirements for industrial automation in this field are also increasing. The automatic technology of ship painting and secondary grinding is regarded as the core technology in the field of shipbuilding spraying and polishing, and it is also a trade secret in the shipbuilding industry. For this reason, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Automation Design Institute Co., Ltd. jointly undertake the project and start to study the finishing robot of shipbuilding. Under the background of the research and application of this project, this paper studies the trajectory planning and control system of shipbuilding finishing robot, which is of great significance. Trajectory planning belongs to the bottom planning of robot research. Based on the mechanical structure of robot, the trajectory and trajectory planning method in the process of robot operation is studied. Firstly, three common robot trajectory planning methods are studied, including cubic polynomial function interpolation, higher order polynomial function interpolation and parabolic linear function interpolation. Based on the function interpolation method and the function modules needed in the execution of the project, the robot has established three common motion control modes, including the point motion mode (PT) and the interpolation motion mode (position and time). In the actual motion control, the prospective preprocessing mode is done. Secondly, based on the simple trajectory planning method, this paper studies the trajectory planning method of cubic spline function interpolation method. On this basis, a spline function composed of a quadratic polynomial and a trigonometric cosine function is used to optimize and fit the trajectory. Based on the theory, the prototype is studied, designed and experimented in this paper, including the structure of robot, control system, hardware system and software system. Therefore, the robot can be used in the field of painting and grinding of shipbuilding and fill the blank in this field.
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