[Abstract]:The maximum flow minimization problem belongs to a combinatorial optimization problem. After many years of research, a large number of research results have been obtained. At the same time, the maximum flow minimization problem has been widely used in a large number of real life networks, and a lot of time optimization, The problem of flow control and other management disciplines as well as the graph cutting problem in image processing can be solved by transforming the model of maximum flow and minimum cut problem. In this paper, we mainly study two algorithms and their applications for solving the maximum flow and minimum truncation problem, and make the following results: 1. An improved shortest augmented chain algorithm is proposed. In the improved algorithm, saturation arcs are removed from the original network during the expansion process. Thus, the process of constructing the residual hierarchical network in the algorithm is optimized. The experimental results show that the efficiency of the improved algorithm is better than that of the traditional algorithm. A genetic algorithm (GA) method for solving the maximum flow minimum truncation problem is proposed. In the algorithm, the individual coding and decoding method, the initial population generation method, the fitness calculation method and the selection of crossover mutation operator are designed. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the traditional algorithm. The application of maximum flow minimization problem in graph cutting technique is introduced. The transformation between the graph cutting problem and the maximum flow minimum truncation problem is described. Finally, the image is segmented by experiment.
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