[Abstract]:At present, the number of stroke patients is increasing with the increasing trend of population aging in China. Stroke is a persistent mental impairment of the brain caused by acute cerebrovascular disease. The research shows that after the nerve function is damaged, the central nervous system can be compensated and reorganized in structure and function after scientific rehabilitation training. Rehabilitation robots combine robotics with rehabilitation medicine and can replace doctors in simple and repetitive rehabilitation exercises. Combining virtual reality technology with rehabilitation robot can improve the enthusiasm of patients in the rehabilitation process and actively participate in rehabilitation training can improve the cure rate of patients. Therefore, the virtual reality based three degree of freedom upper limb rehabilitation robot developed in this paper has a very important application prospect and research significance. This paper studies the theoretical basis of motor rehabilitation and puts forward two kinds of active and passive rehabilitation sports models according to the different stages of rehabilitation treatment. The path of rehabilitation robot in passive mode is planned and the trajectory of straight line and arc is designed. The virtual prototype of the upper limb rehabilitation robot is built by Adams, and the inverse kinematics is solved. By analyzing the angle curve obtained by simulation, it is proved that the planned motion track can meet the needs of passive rehabilitation training. The control system of rehabilitation robot is designed, and the open control structure of PC motion control card is adopted. The pid controller is designed for the position servo control system. The simulation based on Adams and MATLAB verifies the correctness of the controller design. The hardware and electrical design of the control system are completed, and the control program of the trajectory planning in the passive motion mode is designed. Finally, the path motion of the end of the rehabilitation robot is realized according to the planned path. In this paper, virtual reality technology is combined with rehabilitation robot, aiming at the difference between passive and active modes, several rehabilitation training environments are designed on the platform of VC 6.0. The passive rehabilitation environment mainly carries on the rehabilitation training to the joint movement degree, the active rehabilitation environment mainly exercises the movement accuracy and the stability of the affected limb, the environment is developed according to the actual life scene. It helps to apply the ability gained by exercise in real life. In this paper, the prototype of the rehabilitation robot is debugged. The experiment shows that the terminal of the rehabilitation robot can realize the planned motion trajectory, and the communication between the virtual environment and the rehabilitation robot is completed at the same time. The work in this paper lays a foundation for remote control and rehabilitation evaluation of rehabilitation robot.
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