[Abstract]:Cold stress has an extremely serious effect on the growth and life of organisms, especially for plants. The study on the regulation mechanism of plant cold stress is of great significance to the study of biotechnology and the improvement of crop yield. At present, the recognition of plant cold stress protein mainly depends on manual, which is time-consuming and laborious. Up to now, only 594 proteins related to cold stress have been found in the whole Arabidopsis protein database. Therefore, it is of significance and research value to provide data support for biological experiments by training and forecasting the existing data by using the method of machine learning. In this study, there are only positive data and all the protein sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana, in which there are many undiscovered cold stress protein sequences. Therefore, the pu Learning method is considered first. In theory, pu Learning is one of the most suitable methods. The protein sequences other than the positive data are taken as unlabeled data. Two popular pu Learning algorithms, PUCPI and LibD3C, are tried, but the results are only about 50%. Then the common classification algorithm was used to process the unlabeled data as negative case data, and a good result was obtained in LibSVM. In addition to the attempt of the classification algorithm, we also try a variety of feature extraction methods, such as Pse-Oneone-K-SkipN-Gram-GramInformation Theory, as well as the combination of various feature extraction methods. At this point, the accuracy of classification improved to more than 80%. Finally, a new negative case set is constructed (which can effectively reduce the number of undiscovered cold stress proteins contained in the negative case set), and the classification accuracy is improved to about 85%, and good results are obtained. After finding a better prediction method of cold stress protein, the existing data were sorted out and the database website of cold stress protein was set up. The website adopts the mainstream Java Web development technology, such as Maven Spring Boot Java Web. It mainly uses the Java language to develop. The users can browse the cold stress proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana and search the functions of (Lucence), sequence alignment (Blast) and classification prediction.
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