[Abstract]:A networked system is an intermittent closed-loop feedback system consisting of an actuator group, a controller group, a sensor group and a controlled object connected by a communication network used for data transmission, thus completing the control tasks required by the system. Packet loss will inevitably occur in the transmission of a message in the channel, which will deteriorate the performance of a networked system and even lead to instability of the system. These dynamics bring new challenges to the analysis and synthesis of the system. This paper mainly studies the design of H_uuuuuuuuuuu Data loss is described as Bernoulli stochastic process in stochastic theory. Based on the above state space model, the H_ fault detection filter is designed. In this paper, the change of packet loss rate is described as hopping in several intervals, and the hopping is subjected to Markov and semi-Markov stochastic processes respectively. This paper also considers the problem of robust control in the case of model uncertainty caused by modeling error or other factors, and designs a fault detection filter based on norm-bounded uncertainty. In chapter 2, two kinds of stochastic processes, Markov Chain (MC) and Semi-Markov Chain (SMC), are introduced. In order to introduce Semi-Markov Chain, embedded Markov Chain (EMC) and Markov Renewal Chain (MRC) are introduced and distinguished. Shur complementary lemma and H_ control theory are The design and Simulation of H_uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The validity of the theory and the effectiveness of the designed filter are proved by a numerical simulation example. Chapter 3 discusses the design of H_uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The problem is converted to H_ The robustness of the sample norm bounded uncertainties is analyzed. Finally, the validity of the fault detection filter design method and the necessity of considering uncertainties and varying packet loss rate are verified by the tunnel diode physical model. Chapter 4 explores the H_uuuuuuuuuuu A wider Lyapunov function is proposed, which depends not only on the current mode of the system, but also on the dwell time of the current mode. The parameters or types of the probability density function of each mode dwell time can be dealt with by the hemi-horse kernel method. Based on the norm bounded uncertainties, the robustness of semi-Markov system is analyzed. In the simulation part, a car inverted pendulum model is selected to verify the validity of the proposed theoretical method.
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