[Abstract]:Distributed technology is one of the indispensable technologies for Internet enterprises to build platforms. Large distributed systems often produce a large amount of data every day. The visualization of monitoring data in distributed systems can help operational engineers better understand the status of network nodes, dig out the information contained in monitoring data, and make operational and maintenance policies more quickly and accurately. Therefore, how to apply visualization technology to distributed systems is of great significance and value to the field of Internet. This paper studies how to apply the visualization technology to the monitoring data of distributed system, and solves the problems of data acquisition, data processing and mapping, visualization display, monitoring data analysis and so on. A complete data visualization system is built. In this paper, Logstash,Redis,Elasticsearch,OpenTSDB and other technologies are used to realize data acquisition and storage, D3 framework is used to realize ThemeRiver,Event Timeline,Circos,Stack and other data visualization modules, and real data is loaded to carry out visualization analysis practice, to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the visualization module implemented in this paper. The main research work of this paper is 1: 1. Monitor data acquisition and storage. This paper compares and analyzes the existing server monitoring technology in the market, and considers the appropriate technology to collect and store node monitoring data from the aspects of principle, adaptability, optimization and so on, so as to provide the data source for visualization. Design and implementation of visual model. This paper investigates and analyzes the demand of network node data visualization, selects load data, network traffic data and log data as visualization data, and designs and implements data visualization module such as ThemeRiver,Event Timeline,Circos,Stack. And add simple interaction to enhance the usability of the visual model. 3. Practice of monitoring data analysis based on visual model. The real data is loaded to carry on the visualization analysis practice, and the validity and feasibility of the visualization model realized in this paper are verified by analyzing the monitoring data. The application of visualization technology to the analysis of monitoring data in distributed systems can help operators discover potential problems in network nodes as early as possible, adjust the status of nodes in time, and prevent catastrophic accidents such as the collapse of servers. It provides a reference for the formulation of effective operation and maintenance strategy.
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