[Abstract]:With the rapid development of optical communication technology, the demand for communication speed and capacity is increasing in modern society. The processing speed and communication bandwidth of traditional electrical signals are limited. Photonic integrated circuit (Photonic Integrated Circuit,PIC) integrates active optical devices, passive optical devices and electronic components on a single chip to realize the functions of signal switching, amplifying and sensing. At the same time, electronic devices communicate with each other through optical waveguides at high speed, which improves the overall performance of the circuit because of its large information capacity and high communication rate. PIC is the technical direction of interconnection between optical communication system and integrated circuit system in the future. Optical waveguide sensor is an important optical component of photonic integrated circuits, which has the advantages of high sensitivity, simple structure, fast response speed and no influence of electromagnetic signals. At present, most optical waveguide sensors are based on inorganic substrate. Organic polymer materials have the advantage of low cost, but the sensitivity of traditional optical waveguide sensors based on organic substrates is not high. In this paper, the device structure of MZI (Mach-Zehnder Interferometer) waveguide is studied, and the all-polymer optical waveguide sensor with high sensitivity, simple process and low cost is designed and fabricated. The core waveguide of the full polymer optical waveguide sensor contacts with the liquid to be measured through three surfaces, and the sensitivity of the rectangular structure and the inverted ridge structure of the whole polymer optical waveguide sensor is 5.50 ~ 5.24 times higher than that of one surface contact liquid. The asymmetric MZI sensor structure based on this structure is used to design the curve structure in the straight waveguide of Y branch, and the length difference is introduced to improve the sensitivity. After theoretical optimization, when the length difference between the two branches is 19.8 渭 m and the refractive index is 1.470-1.545, the sensing sensitivity reaches the maximum. Then the device is fabricated based on photolithography and wet etching, and the packaging process is optimized by using PMMA thin film. The output power of the device was measured with benzaldehyde and ethanol solution with different refractive index. The practical sensitivity was 791.0 dB / RIU.The sensor resolution was 1.26 脳 10 ~ (-6) RIU. Finally, two kinds of polymer sensor structures, symmetric MZI and asymmetric MZI, are optimized theoretically, and the theoretical sensing sensitivity is increased to more than 1200 d B/RIU.
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