[Abstract]:In recent years, with the advantages of good adsorption effect and low cost, powdered activated carbon is no longer limited to the emergency treatment of sudden pollution, and is gradually developing into the mainstream technology of advanced treatment. However, the powdered activated carbon feeding system is still in the manual control stage. It is necessary for technicians to determine the dosage of activated carbon based on experience, which leads to unstable effluent quality and large consumption of activated carbon. Therefore, how to automatically adjust the dosage of activated carbon according to the influent water quality is an urgent problem to be solved in the popularization and application of the powder activated carbon dosing system. It is of great significance for the small and medium-sized town wastewater treatment plants to achieve stable standards and save energy and consumption. In this paper, the advanced treatment process of a town sewage treatment plant in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province is taken as the research background, and the powder activated carbon dosing system is taken as the research object. The main factors affecting the dosage of activated carbon are COD,pH and flow rate of raw water. Aiming at the problems of large lag, nonlinearity and complexity of active carbon feeding control system, a novel feedforward predictive dosing controller based on BP neural network is proposed, and a compound control system scheme based on BP neural network feedforward predictive and PID feedback is established. The main results are as follows: 1. 46 groups of successful sample data were obtained by beaker test. BP neural network and multivariate linear regression were used to construct feedforward control model of activated carbon feeding system. BP neural network adopted three-layer structure. There are 2 nodes in the input layer, 1 node in the output layer and 11 nodes in the hidden layer. Using the model after off-line training, the unlearned samples are simulated, and the fitting degree R2C 0.368 and the root mean square error (RMSE=0.0091.) are obtained. The expression of multivariate linear regression model is U=0.0170X1 0.0020X2-0.2078. According to the same method, the fitting degree R _ 2o _ (0.909) and root mean square error (RMSE=0.0145.) are obtained. Compared with the simulation results, the feedforward controller of the active carbon feeding system has obvious advantages by using the BP neural network model, which not only has high prediction accuracy, but also has a strong learning ability. It can adapt to the change of different water quality. 2. The expression of transfer function is obtained by theoretical analysis of the model of controlled object. The inflection point of the step response curve (50 ~ 49.78) was obtained by using the experiment of adding powder activated carbon. The transfer function of the controlled object was determined as G0 (s) = 5.4 / (1.33.75s) (116.875s) e-26.6s. The critical proportion method is used to determine the parameters of PID controller, which are: Kp=0.36;KI=0.006;KD=5.4. The step response curve shows that the output COD overshoot of the system under feedback control is greater than 40 and the time required to achieve stability is about 300 min. The feedforward BP neural network predictive control system and PID feedback compound control system are simulated under the Simulink environment of Matlab. The results show that the overshoot of effluent COD is less than 20 and the adjusting time is about 70 min. In the demonstration project, the upper computer uses PC, with WinCC 7.0 to transmit data to each PLC station through Ethernet. The communication between PC Matlab and PLC is accomplished by OPC communication tool. The flow rate of activated carbon dosing metering pump Q is automatically calculated according to the formula q=x/10 蠅. After one month's trial operation under automatic control mode, the effluent COD reaches the standard rate of 90.63%, which is 8.88% higher than that of manual control. At the same time, the average daily consumption of activated carbon is reduced by 16.61%, and the cost of using activated carbon is reduced by 135000 yuan per month.
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