[Abstract]:Aiming at the problems of precocity and slow convergence rate of artificial bee colony algorithm, an artificial bee colony algorithm based on backtracking search is proposed. By using backtracking search algorithm to select the updated population, random mutation strategy and uneven crossover strategy are adopted to enhance the diversity of the population of the beecolony algorithm, so that the improved beecolony algorithm can jump out of the local optimum and has a better global convergence rate. The improved algorithm is applied to image contrast enhancement. By searching for the best parameters of incomplete Beta function 伪, 尾, the gray transformation curve is determined, and the image gray scale is adjusted to improve the image contrast. The simulation results show that the algorithm has higher accuracy and faster convergence speed. Compared with the histogram equalization algorithm, the algorithm can effectively enhance the contrast of the image.
【作者单位】: 西安理工大学理学院;
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