[Abstract]:The problem of environmental pollution caused by fossil energy power generation has become a major obstacle to the national energy sustainable development strategy. The use of non-polluting renewable new energy to replace fossil energy power generation is one of the future power development trends. Wind power, as one of the new energy generation, has the advantages of clean, large storage and easy to develop, so it has been widely developed and used. Because of the random uncertainty of wind power and the connection of large-scale wind power, it brings some challenges to the stable operation of power system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the dynamic characteristics and wind power prediction of power system with large-scale wind power access, as well as the optimal dispatching of multi-source regional power network, in order to improve the development and utilization of wind power. In this paper, the optimal dispatching problem of multi-source regional power network with large-scale wind power access is studied as follows: (1) the model of multi-source hybrid power system with wind turbine generator, hydrogenerator and turbine generator is constructed. Under the condition of wind speed fluctuation, the system model is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results show that the stability of the multi-source hybrid power system is affected by the fluctuation of the output power of the wind turbine, and the dynamic characteristics of the main parameters of the power system can be accurately described. It provides support for further research on optimal dispatching of multi-source regional power network with large-scale wind power access. (2) A wind power prediction method based on particle swarm optimization neural network (Particle Swarm Optimization and Back-propagation Neural Network,PSO-BP) is proposed. This method utilizes the global searching ability of particle swarm optimization algorithm to obtain the initial weights and thresholds of BP (Back-propagation,BP) neural network, which solves the problems of slow convergence speed and easy to fall into local minima of conventional BP algorithm. The prediction results of PSO-BP algorithm and BP neural network algorithm are compared and analyzed. The prediction results show that the absolute mean error (Mean Absolute Error,MAE) and root mean square error (Root Mean Square Error,RMSE) of the PSO-BP algorithm are 7.02 and 9.37 less than those of the BP neural network algorithm, respectively. It is proved that the particle swarm optimization neural network (PSO-BP) algorithm is effective in predicting the output power of wind farm. (3) based on the model of multi-source hybrid power system with wind power and the prediction of wind power, The economic scheduling method based on multi-agent particle swarm optimization (Multi-agent and Particle Swarm Optimization,MA-PSO) is studied. The algorithm combines the global characteristics of particle swarm optimization (Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO) algorithm and multi-agent system (Multi-agent System,). The intelligent characteristic of MAS effectively solves the economic scheduling problem with high dimension, nonlinear and multi-parameter coupling. By comparing and analyzing the optimization results of MA-PSO algorithm and basic PSO algorithm, it is found that the optimal value of MA-PSO algorithm is 3.7964 脳 10 ~ (4) 脳 10 ~ (4) / day. The optimal value of the PSO algorithm is 4.1787 脳 10~4$.MA-PSO, and the cost is 3.823 脳 10 ~ (-3) less than that of the PSO algorithm, that is, the saving rate is as high as 9.14%. It is proved that MA-PSO algorithm has good searching performance and high convergence accuracy. At the same time, the MA-PSO algorithm is applied to solve the economic scheduling problem, which can obtain better economic and environmental benefits.
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