基于Beaglebone Black轮式倒立摆机器人视觉控制系统研究
[Abstract]:The wheeled inverted pendulum vision robot has the function of visual recognition and can track the target for a long time, so it has a wide application prospect in real life. The robot can use two coaxial wheels to keep the body balance, advance and turn, and use the camera of the vehicle to obtain the image sequence to separate the moving object in the space domain, and to recognize and track the target sequence in the continuous time. In this paper, a wheel inverted pendulum robot platform is developed and a robust visual tracking system is implemented. The wheeled inverted pendulum vision robot is designed based on the Beaglebone Black development board, and expands a large number of sensor elements, including MPU6050 attitude sensor, photoelectric encoder and so on. According to the actual situation of BeagleboneBlack embedded system, the motion controller is designed by using PRU unit of Beaglebone Black, including PD balance, PI speed, PD steering controller, to realize dynamic balance, forward and steering control of wheeled inverted pendulum visual robot. An improved Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) tracking algorithm based on kernel correlation filter is used to solve the target tracking problem. The abnormal state of tracking process is judged by spatial context algorithm, and the tracking effect is enhanced. A single visual measurement method is designed for the visual tracking system in view of the actual situation, and the image data transferred from the wheeled inverted pendulum vision robot is processed by the PC vision system on the PC computer using the open source VLC and Opencv library. The processing results are sent to the wheeled inverted pendulum vision robot using WIFI. A large number of scene tests on the improved tracking algorithm are carried out to verify the availability of the algorithm, and the results are analyzed. Through the overall debugging of software and hardware, the final wheeled inverted pendulum vision robot achieves the desired effect and accomplishes the set function goal.
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