distribution network structure backup tie line distribution
A Design Scheme of High-Reliable Distribution Network Based on Tie Line Between Ring-Shaped Distribution Networks and Distribution Automation
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SONG Ruochen, XU Wenjin, YANG Guang, GU Liqiang (State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200122, China)
Abstr:In allusion to the troubles that traditional distribution network with ring-shaped structure cannot meet the demand on power supply reliability for urban key regions and dual-ring-shaped structure is difficult to be implemented in old towns, a distribution network design scheme based on tie line between ring-shaped networks and distribution automation is proposed, where tie line between ring-shaped networks means that a backup tie line is added between two ring-shaped networks to optimize the network structure. Through modeling of probability distribution and calculation, the impacts of tie line between ring-shaped networks on load-transferring capability are researched. Considering three factors such as the utility of the tie line, ensuring power supply for important loads and investment on construction, the principles to position the tie line are discussed. To bring the tie line's superiority of load-transferring capability into full play and shorten the time for fault processing, a distribution automation scheme, in which the centralized and distributed fault processing are coordinated, is put forward along with detailed action logics. Finally, the results of reliability analysis based on sampled power supply interruption data validate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme, and respective application effects as well as the return on investment(ROI) of network structure optimization and distribution automation are compared.
Keyword::distribution network structure backup tie line distribution automation reliability analysis