[Abstract]:Forest is one of the natural resources on which human beings depend for survival. Forest fires caused by natural or man-made factors increase year by year. Fire not only destroys forest resources, causes economic losses, but also intensifies environmental pollution. Forest resources have important ecological value, social value and economic value. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern information technology to effectively obtain forest environmental state information and forecast and protect forest fire risk. In order to realize the real-time monitoring and processing of forest environmental state information, a forest fire monitoring system is designed by using wireless sensor network technology and computer technology. The main work is as follows: (1) Research on monitoring node location based on improved DV-Hop algorithm. In order to accurately predict the location of forest fire, aiming at the low accuracy of traditional DV-Hop algorithm, this paper analyzes the reasons for the error of this algorithm, and modifies the hops by introducing RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) ranging technology. In the coordinate positioning stage, the maximum likelihood estimation and the weighted centroid are combined to improve the positioning accuracy. (2) the evaluation method of fire risk grade based on D-S evidence theory is studied. The multi-sensor information fusion technology based on D-S evidence theory is introduced into forest fire danger warning grade evaluation. According to the influence of various meteorological factors, the corresponding fuzzy set is constructed, and then the membership degree is transformed into mass function. D-S evidence theory is used to fuse multiple meteorological factors to obtain a more reliable forest fire risk early warning grade evaluation. (3) the design of forest fire monitoring system based on 6LoWPAN wireless network. The monitoring system includes two parts: field monitoring network and monitoring center. In view of the special environment of the monitoring site, the monitoring network composed of data acquisition nodes and border routing nodes is determined. The data acquisition nodes complete the data collection, processing and uploading. The boundary routing node manages all nodes in the wireless sensor network and sends the data to the monitoring center. The monitoring center software designed by C # language can process, store, display and query the monitoring data, and issue early warning information. The function of data acquisition, transmission and processing are verified by module testing, and then the whole operation test of the prototype is carried out. The results show that the system runs well and meets the design requirements.
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