[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy, the scale of power grid is expanding, and the requirement of power system frequency stability is raised gradually. At the same time, in order to deal with environmental pollution and fossil energy depletion, renewable energy with intermittent and fluctuating power output characteristics is connected to the grid, which has a great impact on the frequency stability of power grid. The FM capacity, FM effect and FM cost of traditional units can not meet the needs of the current power grid development. In this context, how to maintain the frequency stability of the power network under the condition of large interconnected power system and high permeable renewable energy grid has become a hot topic at present. The energy storage system has the characteristics of fast, accurate and high instantaneous throughput, which can meet the demand of power grid frequency modulation. It is of theoretical and practical significance to introduce the energy storage system into the field of FM and to participate in frequency regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the control strategy, charge and discharge strategy and capacity optimization of energy storage system. On the basis of summarizing the present situation of the research in this field, this paper proposes to introduce the energy storage system into the generating side and coordinate with the traditional units to participate in the frequency regulation, which can make full use of the frequency modulation capability of the original thermal power units. At the same time, the high cost of energy storage system is taken into account, and the capacity of energy storage system is effectively limited. For this reason, this paper mainly completes the following four aspects of work: first, the principle of frequency regulation of the unit is briefly summarized, and the influence of the first and second frequency modulation on the operation of the unit is analyzed. The economic performance parameters of different energy storage systems are compared and analyzed, and a hybrid energy storage system composed of lead acid battery (Valve Regulated Lead Acid, VRLA) and total vanadium liquid flow battery (Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, VRB) is determined. The mathematical model of energy storage system is given, and the control block diagram is deduced and analyzed. Secondly, the phenomenon of valve reverse regulation in primary frequency modulation of traditional units is analyzed, and a new control strategy of energy storage system is proposed to eliminate valve reverse regulation, and the transfer function of control strategy is established and analyzed. The simulation results show that the control strategy can effectively suppress the reverse modulation of primary frequency modulation. Thirdly, taking the single unit participating in the (Automatic Generation Control, AGC) process of automatic generation control as the research object, considering the operation characteristics of the hybrid energy storage system and the frequency modulation characteristics of the traditional unit, In this paper, the normal and four special scenarios of energy storage system (unit reverse regulation, unit output dead zone oscillation, overcharge and release of energy storage system and charging state of energy storage system over limit) are proposed, and the corresponding charging and discharging strategies are established for different scenarios. The results show that the charging and discharging strategy proposed in this paper can better respond to the AGC instructions issued by the dispatching center and improve the FM effect. Finally, aiming at the capacity optimization problem of hybrid energy storage auxiliary units participating in AGC, the capacity optimization model of energy storage system considering the compensation index of auxiliary service in power plant is constructed. The model considers the restriction relation of energy storage system investment, maintenance cost and participating in AGC regulation compensation income, and introduces KP index (AGC frequency modulation performance index), energy storage system investment function and penalty function. The optimal capacity of energy storage system is determined by establishing the optimization function aiming at the maximum profit of generator set. The results show that the proposed optimization model can determine the optimal capacity of energy storage system and realize the economic participation of the energy storage system in FM service.
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