[Abstract]:In the early stage of the development of control science, the research on control science is not deep enough. In the research of system performance, researchers often ignore the lack of information caused by related factors and regard the system as a complete information system. In the background of big data, the accuracy of information system identification is becoming more and more high, and ignoring the missing parameters of information identification system can not meet the needs of the society. As the shortcomings of parameter identification of complete information system become more and more obvious, many researchers begin to study the parameter identification algorithm of incomplete information system. Some researchers have found an interpolation identification algorithm to reduce the influence on system parameter identification accuracy. In order to achieve accurate identification of parameters and ensure the convergence of the system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore a spline interpolation particle swarm optimization algorithm to realize accurate parameter identification of incomplete information systems, and to analyze the convergence of the algorithm by constructing random variables through the knowledge of stochastic processes. The feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are tested in the actual DC speed regulation system. The specific steps are as follows: firstly, a method based on PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and mean interpolation is proposed to identify the parameters of the incomplete information system. The random lost information is interpolated by means of the mean interpolation method, and the parameters of the identification model are iteratively optimized by PSO method in order to obtain the optimal fitness function under the appropriate error criterion. In order to realize the iteration of the velocity and size of the parameters corresponding to each particle, the parameters of incomplete information system can be identified in real time and accurately. On this basis, the convergence of the algorithm is further analyzed, and the simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the precision of parameter identification of incomplete information system under certain conditions. Secondly, the spline interpolation method is introduced into the parameter identification of incomplete information system to realize the accurate identification of the system parameters. Time stamp coding method is used to calculate the amount of random missing information and cubic spline interpolation method is used to interpolate the missing data in real time to obtain the complete identification data. On this basis, in order to improve the accuracy of system identification, the PSO algorithm is used to identify the system parameters, and the convergence of the method is derived theoretically. Finally, the proposed identification method is applied to the parameter identification of the speed feedback control DC motor speed control system. The input and output data of the system are measured and obtained under different missing rates. The parameters of the system are identified by spline interpolation identification method. It is found that the proposed method can effectively identify the parameters of DC motor speed regulation system, which lays a necessary experimental foundation for the further application and popularization of the method.
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