[Abstract]:The main task of agricultural robot research is to apply robotics engineering to agriculture, or to explore the possibility of utilizing existing applicable industrial robots according to crop characteristics. Robot visual servo control involves a wide range of research topics, such as image processing, feature extraction, binocular stereo vision calibration, visual control algorithm, visual measurement, and so on. In this paper, the application of image recognition and visual positioning in apple bagging system is taken as the background, and the real time and universality of the recognition and positioning system are improved as the breakthrough point. In order to satisfy the need of real-time application, the key techniques and methods of image recognition and localization of young fruit are explored. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The vision system of apple bagging robot is introduced and the flow chart is given. The small area and roundness were removed by the area method to recognize the young apple fruit after segmentation. The binocular stereo vision was used to collect the left and right cameras and to carry out stereo matching, polar line correction and 3D reconstruction of the final recognized apple fruit images. Finally, using the self-developed apple fruit processing software and OpenGL to display the 3D reconstructed apple fruit image. 2, the kinematics model of apple fruit bagging robot is established. The kinematics equation is established by D-H method, and the forward and inverse kinematics are analyzed. The reachable workspace and the reasonableness of the parameters of the manipulator are shown intuitively by using the arm simulation toolbox Robotics Toolbox based on Matlab. Through the analysis of each joint locus of the manipulator, it lays a good foundation for the practical bagging work. 3. The visual servo control based on the image is introduced respectively. The position based visual servo control and the 2.5D visual servo control based on the combination of position and image are presented. The characteristics and stability of the respective systems are analyzed. According to the actual working situation of Apple bagged robot, this paper chooses the hybrid visual servo control based on position and image as the servo control system. Finally, under the laboratory condition, simulating the outdoor actual working scene, the whole system of the apple fruit bagging robot was adjusted. The experimental results proved the feasibility of the scheme and the effectiveness of the related algorithm.
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