[Abstract]:Aiming at the problem of premature convergence caused by the loss of population diversity in the convergence process of particle swarm optimization (particle swarm optimization,PSO) algorithm, a genetic particle swarm synthesis algorithm (genetic-particle swarm memetic algorithm,GPSMA) with dual learning ability is proposed. The algorithm introduces genetic operation and has the ability to learn from success and failure, and integrates oscillation parameter strategy and damping boundary condition processing method. The comparison of four typical test functions between GPSMA and the other three optimization algorithms shows that GPSMA has a good global convergence ability. On this basis, the optimal design of a 18.5 kW stator double-winding induction generator (dual statorwinding induction generator,DWIG) is carried out by using GPSMA with the aim of minimizing the control winding current in the range of variable speed. The results show that the amplitude of control winding current is reduced by 62.7 by the optimized prototype, which indicates that GPSMA can be applied to solve the optimization problem of DWIG effectively.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;国网重庆市电力公司万州供电分公司;重庆通信学院军用特种电源军队重点实验室;
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