[Abstract]:The traditional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is susceptible to interference and low sensitivity, and has limited its wide application. In recent years, the improvement of the traditional ELISA has done a lot of efforts to make it a good application in the biological sensing detection. Because of its series of advantages, such as large specific surface area, strong adsorption capacity, high catalytic efficiency and good biocompatibility, the nano-material has been of great concern. The non-metal nanometer material has the advantages of nano material, no noble metal, green precursor, low cost and no pollution, thus being more favored. The cheap pH indicator replaces the use of the enzyme, the experimental cost is reduced, the chemical property is stable, the color change after the reaction is remarkable, and the experimental result is visualized. In this paper, a non-metallic nano-material is used as the signal carrier, and the pH indicator is loaded on the nano-material by the carbon-carbon coanda by using a pH indicator as a signal direct amplification platform, and the disease marker and the nano material are firmly combined with the nano material through a chemical bond, and a complete immune sensor is constructed in the 96-well plate. A quantitative release agent is added into the pores of the microporous plate, the release agent reacts with the hydrophobic indicator molecules, and the ions which are converted into the hydrophilic are released from the nano material to the solution to cause the color of the solution to change. The method realizes the visual and ultra-sensitive detection of the disease marker. The specific detection content is as follows: (1) a modified traditional ELISA based on the color change effect of the phenolphthalein (PP) indicator is designed to realize the high-sensitivity visual detection of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The graphene nitride (g-C _ 3N _ 4) nano-material has a large specific surface area, is easy to prepare, has high chemical stability and low cost, and the g-C _ 3N _ 4 (cC _ 3N _ 4) after being modified is used as the carrier of the signal molecule in the system. After the preparation of the immune sensor is successful, the alkaline releasing agent (AS) is added, the PP molecule is reacted with alkali to generate ions, and the solution is released to the solution to cause the color of the solution to change. And the high-sensitivity visual detection of the CEA is realized after the experimental conditions are optimized. The detection range is 0.5 pg/ mL to 100 ng/ mL and the minimum detection limit (LOD) is 0.34 pg/ mL. This method is an enzyme-free modified ELISA, which can be named as PILISA. PILISA follows the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay format, while avoiding the disadvantages of conventional ELISA, And provides a promising method for the actual clinical detection. (2) Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of high global mortality, and the determination of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and C-reactive protein (CRP) is used to detect and diagnose acute myocardial infarction and coronary syndrome, respectively. The g-C _ 3N _ 4 (PDA-C _ 3N _ 4) wrapped with the polydopamine (PDA) is used as the signal carrier, because the PDA surface has rich functional groups, can be combined with the biological molecule, and can adsorb a large number of indicator molecules thymol phthalide (TP) and bromophenol red (BR), The design of new type of immunosensor realizes the visual double-detection of the cardiac markers cTnI and CRP. High sensitivity, wide detection range (cTnI: 0.5 pg/ m L-8 ng/ mL; CRP: 0.5 pg/ m L-10 ng/ m L), where LOD is 0.32 pg/ m L and 0.28 pg/ mL, respectively. It can be seen from the results of the test that the stability, selectivity and reproducibility of the immunosensor are satisfactory. (3) Mesoporous silica (MSN) has been widely used because of its special pore-like structure, large specific surface area and easy functionalization. The msn is functionalized so that its pores are provided with an aromatic structure in which the hydrophobic pH indicator molecules can be co-linked with the hydrophobic pH indicator molecules. The effect of MSN and polyethyleneimine (PEI) on the surface is positively and electrically connected to the negatively charged antibody molecules on the surface. Therefore, the functionalized MSN is used as the signal carrier to participate in the construction of the immune sensor, and the visualization and high-sensitivity detection of the prostate antigen (PSA) is realized. The detection concentration range is wide (0.5 pg/ m L-8 ng/ m L), the detection limit is low (0.21 pg/ m L), and the novel immunosensor has good stability, selectivity and reproducibility. In addition, the colorimetric detection of protein biomarkers has potential application in clinical medicine therapy due to its simple, rapid, economical and stable signal output characteristics.
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