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发布时间:2019-05-30 00:02
【摘要】:随着化学工业、食品工业、医药工业等相关产业的迅速发展,发酵产品的需求不断增加,所以其生产规模和产品品种也相应的迅速扩大,不仅对葡萄酒这样的发酵产品的品质要求越来越高,而且对发酵生产采取在线监测与自动控制的需求也变得越发强烈。因此,设计研究与这个复杂过程相符合的过程控制技术,对于扩大生产规模和提升产品品质有着非常重要的作用。本研究以葡萄酒发酵温度控制系统为研究对象,在总结现有葡萄酒发酵温度控制方式以及控制网络组成的基础上,提出了将PROFINET工业以太网作为基础网络,采用总线控制的方式构建葡萄酒发酵温度控制系统的方法。PROFINET工业以太网的通讯实时性以及传输速度方面要优于传统的控制网络,并且在安全性方面也有保障,是葡萄酒温度控制网络的首选。同时,本文还对PROFINET总线下控制系统的硬件选型以及PLC的通讯方式进行了深入研究。硬件方面主要选择S7-300系列PLC(配置了PS307电源模块、CPU313C-2DP、SM321/SM322 DI/DO, SM331/SM332 AI/AO等功能模块)、WZP-230PT100铂式热电阻温度传感器、宇电AI-518人工智能温控器和IE/PBLINKPN10网关,基本可以满足葡萄酒发酵温度的控制要求。采用STEP7软件对PLC以及各硬件进行组态,选择OPC服务器方式作为PLC的通讯方式,最终完成整个葡萄酒发酵温度控制系统的设计。在温度控制理论方面,针对发酵温度具有大时滞性、时变性、以及耦合性等特点,在分析了传统PID、模糊控制、神经网络等控制方法在发酵温度控制方面的优缺点的基础上提出了使用人工蜂群与传统PID控制方式相结合的控制理论,并且同继电反馈法以及模糊控制等参数整定方法进行了仿真对比分析,证明了人工蜂群优化PID参数的可行性和强大优势,完全可以作为发酵温度控制方法使用在葡萄酒发酵的温度控制系统中。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of chemical industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and other related industries, the demand for fermented products is increasing, so its production scale and product varieties are also expanding rapidly. Not only the quality of fermented products such as wine is required higher and higher, but also the demand for online monitoring and automatic control of fermentation production is becoming stronger and stronger. Therefore, the design and research of process control technology consistent with this complex process plays a very important role in expanding the production scale and improving the product quality. In this study, the wine fermentation temperature control system is taken as the research object. On the basis of summing up the existing wine fermentation temperature control methods and the composition of the control network, PROFINET Industrial Ethernet is proposed as the basic network. The method of constructing wine fermentation temperature control system by bus control. The communication real-time and transmission speed of PROFINET industrial Ethernet is better than that of traditional control network, and it is also guaranteed in security. It is the first choice of wine temperature control network. At the same time, the hardware selection of the control system under PROFINET bus and the communication mode of PLC are also studied in this paper. In the aspect of hardware, we mainly choose S7 / 300 series PLC (equipped with PS307 power module, CPU313C-2DP,SM321/SM322 DI/DO, SM331/SM332 AI/AO and other functional modules), WZP-230PT100 platinum thermoelectric resistance temperature sensor, Yudian AI-518 artificial intelligence thermocontroller and IE/PBLINKPN10 gateway can basically meet the requirements of wine fermentation temperature control. STEP7 software is used to configure PLC and each hardware, and OPC server mode is selected as the communication mode of PLC. Finally, the whole wine fermentation temperature control system is designed. In the theory of temperature control, the traditional PID, fuzzy control is analyzed in view of the characteristics of fermentation temperature, such as large time delay, time variation and coupling. On the basis of the advantages and disadvantages of neural network and other control methods in fermentation temperature control, a control theory combining artificial bee colony with traditional PID control method is put forward. The simulation and comparison with relay feedback method and fuzzy control method are carried out to prove the feasibility and strong advantages of artificial bee colony in optimizing PID parameters. It can be used as a fermentation temperature control method in the temperature control system of wine fermentation.


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