[Abstract]:Exploring and discovering the causality between things is a core problem of data science, which contains rich opportunities for scientific discovery and great commercial value. The causality discovery method based on non-sequential observation data can find the causality between variables from the data obtained by passive observation, so it has been widely used in various fields. This kind of method has made great progress in the past three decades and has become an important way to discover causality. In this paper, it is inferred from the direction of causality, the false detection rate control on high-dimensional data and the detection of hidden variables on incomplete observation data are introduced and analyzed in detail, such as the existing causality model and hypothesis, the method based on constraint, the method based on causality function model and the mixed method, and the data sets and tools involved in verification and evaluation. The method based on constraint mainly includes two stages: based on causality Markov hypothesis, the causality skeleton between learning variables is tested by conditional independence, and then the causality direction is determined by V-structure based on Occam razor criterion. The typical algorithm is Peter-Clark algorithm, Inductive Causation. The main deficiency of this method is that there are some causality directions that can not be judged. That is, there is a problem of Markov equivalence. The method based on causality function model is based on the hypothesis of causality generation mechanism of data. On the basis of constructing causality function model between variables, the causality direction between variables is inferred based on the non-Gaussian property of noise, the independence of cause variable and noise, the distribution of cause variable and the independence of causality function gradient. The typical algorithm has Linear NonGaussian Acyclic Model algorithm for linear non-Gaussian acyclic data. The Post-NonLinear algorithm for post-nonlinear data is suitable for Additive Noise Model of nonlinear or discrete data. The main deficiency of this method is that it needs more strict hypothesis of data causality mechanism, and Additive Noise Model and other methods are mainly suitable for low-dimensional data scenarios. The hybrid method hopes to give full play to the advantages of constraint-based method and causality function class method, respectively, using constraint-based method for global structure learning and local structure learning and direction inference based on causality function model. The typical algorithms are SADA,MCDSL and so on. The shortage of theoretical analysis is the main difficulty encountered by this kind of methods at present. Finally, based on the analysis of research status, this paper also discusses the possible future research directions, such as causality inference, false detection rate control on high-dimensional data, hidden variable discovery, and the relationship with machine learning.
【作者单位】: 广东工业大学计算机学院;卡内基梅隆大学哲学系;佛山科学技术学院数学与大数据学院;
【基金】:NSFC-广东联合基金(U1501254) 国家自然科学基金(61572143) 广东省杰出青年科学基金(2014A030306004)资助~~
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