发布时间:2021-09-15 20:50
为了使系统在组件故障,局部通信失效,能量匮乏等情况下依然可持续满足控制需求,一些系统,如安全关键系统需要在系统运行的过程中进行重构。这些系统可以被视为动态可重构系统(dynamic reconfigurable system,DRS)。一个DRS包含多个构型并通常运行在某特定构型下。在接到重构命令后,系统需要从当前构型重构至另一个构型。由于不受控的DRS重构行为会使系统不稳定并违反控制需求,重构行为的控制非常重要。人类科学技术的进步产生了诸多人造系统,如柔性制造系统,交通控制系统和通信网络。在只考虑逻辑变化关系而忽略系统随时间而产生的连续变化时,这类系统可以被视作离散事件系统(discrete event system,DES)。DES是一个事件驱动,状态离散的系统,其系统状态变化完全取决于离散事件的同步和异步发射。NCES(net condition/event system)是一种用于分析与控制DES的形式化体系,也是被广泛使用的Petri网的模块化扩展。和其他DES模型相比,NCES的模块化结构使其更适于动态可重构系统的研究。本文从DES的角度研究DRS,进行了基于NCES的动态...
【文章来源】:西安电子科技大学陕西省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:76 页
List of Symbols
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Control Problems of DRDES
1.2 State of the Art
1.3 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Preliminary
2.1 NCES
2.2 Formal Language and Generator
2.3 Invariant-Based Control Synthesis of Petri Net with Uncontrollable Transitions
Chapter 3 Shortest Path Control of DRDES Based on NCESs
3.1 Dynamic Reconfigurable Discrete Event System
3.2 SLFS Computation of DRDES
3.2.1 SLFS Computation of NCES under Firing Rule”Maximal SingleSpontaneous Transition Steps”
3.2.2 SLFS Computation of NCES under Firing Rule”Arbitrary MaximalSteps”
3.3 Virtual Guiding Controller Design of DRDES
3.4 Example
3.4.1 Example of the SLFS Computation under Firing Rule”Maximal S-ingle Spontaneous Transition Steps”
3.4.2 Example of the SLFS Computation under Firing Rule”ArbitraryMaximal Steps”
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Consistency Control of DRDES Based on NCES
4.1 Consistency Control Problems of DRDES
4.2 Consistency Control Policy
4.3 Example for Consistency Control
4.4 Consistency Control with Uncontrollable Transition
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work
【文章来源】:西安电子科技大学陕西省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:76 页
List of Symbols
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Control Problems of DRDES
1.2 State of the Art
1.3 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Preliminary
2.1 NCES
2.2 Formal Language and Generator
2.3 Invariant-Based Control Synthesis of Petri Net with Uncontrollable Transitions
Chapter 3 Shortest Path Control of DRDES Based on NCESs
3.1 Dynamic Reconfigurable Discrete Event System
3.2 SLFS Computation of DRDES
3.2.1 SLFS Computation of NCES under Firing Rule”Maximal SingleSpontaneous Transition Steps”
3.2.2 SLFS Computation of NCES under Firing Rule”Arbitrary MaximalSteps”
3.3 Virtual Guiding Controller Design of DRDES
3.4 Example
3.4.1 Example of the SLFS Computation under Firing Rule”Maximal S-ingle Spontaneous Transition Steps”
3.4.2 Example of the SLFS Computation under Firing Rule”ArbitraryMaximal Steps”
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Consistency Control of DRDES Based on NCES
4.1 Consistency Control Problems of DRDES
4.2 Consistency Control Policy
4.3 Example for Consistency Control
4.4 Consistency Control with Uncontrollable Transition
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work