发布时间:2021-12-30 01:23
【文章页数】:116 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of particle swarm optimization
1.1.1 Research significance of PSO
1.1.2 Review and analysis of hybrid PSO
1.2 Analysis and significance of study
1.3 Main work and novelty
1.4 The organization of thesis
Chapter2 Preliminaries
2.1 Inertia weight in PSO
2.1.1 Constant inertia weight
2.1.2 Time-varying inertia weight strategies
2.1.3 Adaptive inertia weight
2.2 Dynamic multi swarm particle swarm optimization
2.3 Gravitation search algorithm
2.4 Conclusions
Chapter3 An improved self-hybrid inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization with local search
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Gradient based local search(BFGS)algorithm
3.2 The proposed hybrid algorithm
3.2.1 The self-hybrid inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization
3.2.2 Framework of SIW-APSO-LS
3.3 Experimental results and discussion
3.3.1 Static test functions
3.3.2 Moving peaks benchmark
3.3.3 CEC13 test suit
3.3.4 Comparison with inertia weight adjusting techniques
3.3.5 Comparison of different methods through moving peaks benchmark(MPB)
3.3.6 CEC13 test functions
3.3.7 Comparison of the proposed algorithm(SIW-APSO-LS)with other PSO variants
3.3.8 Computational cost
3.3.9 Real world optimization problem
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter4 Feature selection based SIW-APSO-LS and C4.5 decision tree classifier
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Preliminary feature selection methodology
4.1.2 C4.5 decision tree classifier
4.2 The proposed feature selection method
4.3 Experimental results and discussions
4.3.1 Datasets
4.3.2 Parameters setting
4.3.3 Evaluation criteria
4.3.4 Comparison of proposed algorithm to other algorithms
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter5 Hybrid gravitational search algorithm with dynamic multi swarm particle swarm optimization
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The proposed hybrid PSO based on GSA
5.3 Experimental study and discussion
5.3.1 Static test functions
5.3.2 CEC13 test suit
5.3.3 Moving peaks benchmark
5.3.4 Comparison with other techniques
5.3.5 Computational cost of different algorithms
5.3.6 Comparison through CEC13 test functions
5.3.7 Comparison of different methods through MPB
5.3.8 Tension and compression spring design
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter6 Training a feedforward neural networks using GSADMSPSO
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Feed-forward neural network and multi-layer perceptron
6.2 The proposed GSADMSPSO algorithm
6.2.1 GSADMSPSO method for training FNNs
6.3 Results and discussions
6.3.1 The N bits parity(XOR)problem
6.3.2 Comparison through three bits parity problem(3-bit XOR)
6.3.3 Comparison with other techniques through standard classification datasets
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter7 Conclusions and future Work
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Future work
Publications and participating research fundings
【文章页数】:116 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of particle swarm optimization
1.1.1 Research significance of PSO
1.1.2 Review and analysis of hybrid PSO
1.2 Analysis and significance of study
1.3 Main work and novelty
1.4 The organization of thesis
Chapter2 Preliminaries
2.1 Inertia weight in PSO
2.1.1 Constant inertia weight
2.1.2 Time-varying inertia weight strategies
2.1.3 Adaptive inertia weight
2.2 Dynamic multi swarm particle swarm optimization
2.3 Gravitation search algorithm
2.4 Conclusions
Chapter3 An improved self-hybrid inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization with local search
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Gradient based local search(BFGS)algorithm
3.2 The proposed hybrid algorithm
3.2.1 The self-hybrid inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization
3.2.2 Framework of SIW-APSO-LS
3.3 Experimental results and discussion
3.3.1 Static test functions
3.3.2 Moving peaks benchmark
3.3.3 CEC13 test suit
3.3.4 Comparison with inertia weight adjusting techniques
3.3.5 Comparison of different methods through moving peaks benchmark(MPB)
3.3.6 CEC13 test functions
3.3.7 Comparison of the proposed algorithm(SIW-APSO-LS)with other PSO variants
3.3.8 Computational cost
3.3.9 Real world optimization problem
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter4 Feature selection based SIW-APSO-LS and C4.5 decision tree classifier
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Preliminary feature selection methodology
4.1.2 C4.5 decision tree classifier
4.2 The proposed feature selection method
4.3 Experimental results and discussions
4.3.1 Datasets
4.3.2 Parameters setting
4.3.3 Evaluation criteria
4.3.4 Comparison of proposed algorithm to other algorithms
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter5 Hybrid gravitational search algorithm with dynamic multi swarm particle swarm optimization
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The proposed hybrid PSO based on GSA
5.3 Experimental study and discussion
5.3.1 Static test functions
5.3.2 CEC13 test suit
5.3.3 Moving peaks benchmark
5.3.4 Comparison with other techniques
5.3.5 Computational cost of different algorithms
5.3.6 Comparison through CEC13 test functions
5.3.7 Comparison of different methods through MPB
5.3.8 Tension and compression spring design
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter6 Training a feedforward neural networks using GSADMSPSO
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Feed-forward neural network and multi-layer perceptron
6.2 The proposed GSADMSPSO algorithm
6.2.1 GSADMSPSO method for training FNNs
6.3 Results and discussions
6.3.1 The N bits parity(XOR)problem
6.3.2 Comparison through three bits parity problem(3-bit XOR)
6.3.3 Comparison with other techniques through standard classification datasets
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter7 Conclusions and future Work
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Future work
Publications and participating research fundings