本文关键词:历代蒙文译著的序跋研究 出处:《内蒙古大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 该论文根据《中国蒙古文古籍总目》中记录的相关蒙文古籍译著的信息,对蒙古文古籍译著的序跋进行了分类统计,并运用横向比较法和纵向比较法,对元、北元、清和民国时期的蒙古文古籍译著的序跋做了内容、结构方面的分析。文中梳理了以上四个时期的蒙文古籍译著的序跋主要出现在哪类译著中和序跋中主要记录哪些信息等问题。该论文试图从内容和形式方面呈现蒙文古籍译著序跋的编写特点,并对序跋的写作变化发展提出了以下观点: 1、虽然蒙古族从13世纪开始蒙译外文书籍,但是给所译的书籍写跋或结束语是从14世纪开始的。 2、元代和北元时期,在创作蒙文古籍译著的序跋时,只局限于宗教类的书籍,而且只写跋。清代,不仅给多种蒙文译著写序跋,而且出现了一书多序,一书多跋的情况。民国时期,给蒙文译著写序跋的情况越来越多了。 3、元代有4个蒙文译著,其中有跋的涉及1个。北元时期有12个蒙文译著,其中有跋的涉及4个。清代有2475个蒙文译著,其中有序跋的涉及475个。民国时期有174个蒙文译著,其中有序跋的涉及39个。写有序跋的蒙文译著分别占这四个时期蒙文译著的33%、42%、20%和22%。 4、元代一本宗教类译著只写一个跋,而到了民国时期出现了一本宗教类译著有11个序的情况。 5、蒙文古籍译著的序跋中出现的信息涉及以下14个方面:作者、译者、出版者、出版时间、出版地点、抄刻人、写作目的、翻译目的、出版技术、社会背景、译者作者的思想观念、写作翻译的重要性、出版物的成本、出版物的数量等。 6、元代将跋称作“结束语”,到北元时期开始称作“跋”。
[Abstract]:According to the information of the translated Mongolian ancient books recorded in Chinese Ancient Books, this paper classifies and counts the prefaces and postscripts of the Mongolian ancient books, and applies the horizontal comparison method and the vertical comparison method to the Yuan Dynasty. The preface and postscript of the translation of Mongolian ancient books in the period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. This paper combs the preface and postscript of the Mongolian ancient books in the above four periods, which kind of translation and what information are recorded in the preface and postscript, etc. This paper attempts to present the content and form of the translation. The writing features of preface and postscript of Mongolian ancient books. And put forward the following points of view on the development of preface and postscript writing: 1. Although Mongolian translation of foreign books began in 13th century, the postscript or conclusion of the translated books began in 14th century. 2. In Yuan Dynasty and Northern Yuan Dynasty, when creating the preface and postscript of Mongolian ancient books, they were confined to religious books, and only wrote postscript. In Qing Dynasty, not only the prefaces and postscripts were written for various Mongolian translations, but also a lot of book prefaces appeared. During the period of the Republic of China, more and more prefaces and postscripts were written to Mongolian translations. 3. There were 4 Mongolian translations in Yuan Dynasty, of which 1 was related to postscript. There were 12 Mongolian translations in the Northern Yuan Dynasty, including 4 in postscript. There were 2475 Mongolian translations in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, 475 prefaces and postscripts were involved. During the Republic of China there were 174 Mongolian translations, of which 39 were prefaces and postscripts. Mongolian translations with prefaces and postscripts accounted for 33% of the Mongolian translations in these four periods. 20% and 22. 4. In Yuan Dynasty, only one postscript was written for a religious translation, but in the period of the Republic of China, there were 11 preorders for a religious translation. 5. The information in the preface and postscript of the translation of Mongolian ancient books involves the following 14 aspects: the author, the translator, the publisher, the time of publication, the place of publication, the engraving, the purpose of writing, the purpose of translation, and the publishing technology. Social background, the translator's ideas, the importance of translation, the cost of publications and the number of publications. 6. In Yuan Dynasty, the postscript was called "conclusion", and at the beginning of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, it was called "Postscript".
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