发布时间:2018-01-06 07:23
本文关键词:驯鹿鄂温克人文化研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2004年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 驯鹿鄂温克人是指居住在内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市所辖根河市敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡的鄂温克人,史称“使鹿部”,使用的语言是满—通古斯语族鄂温克语敖鲁古雅方言,人口在2001年乡统计为232人,是我国鄂温克族中的独特群体。据史书记载,驯鹿鄂温克人的祖先在公元前2000年就居住在外贝加尔湖和贝加尔湖东北部尼布楚河上游的温多山林苔原高地。到了16世纪至17世纪中叶,他们追随野生驯鹿至贝加尔湖西北列拿河支流威吕河和维提姆河一带。到了18世纪,这部分驯鹿鄂温克人又顺着石勒喀河来到了额尔古纳河右岸的大兴安岭。大兴安岭中富有的飞禽走兽以及水中的各种鱼类,均成为他们的衣食之源。在这高山密林、山清水秀的特殊地理环境和自然条件下,他们过着以饲养驯鹿和狩猎生产为中心的林中生活。在漫长的历史进程中,驯鹿鄂温克人创造并发展了具有浓厚民族特点的驯鹿文化、狩猎文化、桦树皮文化、兽皮文化、熊文化、萨满教文化等。 由于驯鹿鄂温克人世代追随野生驯鹿生活在茂密的古老山林中,从未离开过山林,与外界很少接触,因而较完整地保存着极其古老的生产方式和生活内容,充分地展示着北方山林民族古朴、纯真、与自然合为一体的思维规则和文化内涵,富有一定的代表性,是从事北方诸民族社会、历史、文化发展演变研究的不可缺少的内容之一。 然而,随着驯鹿鄂温克人下山定居和与现代社会的广泛接触,传统文化正在迅速消失。对于驯鹿鄂温克人来讲,传统文化实际上代表的是一种生存方式和手段,也是一种生存理念和生存哲学。人口极其稀少的驯鹿鄂温克人之所以千百年来一直生活在高寒山林地带而没有灭绝,也没有对其生态环境造成丝毫破坏,是因为他们有适应山林生活、迁徙不定的一套生存本领和技能,也就是有克服他们所面临的一切困难的特有生存方式以及与此密切相关的文化特征和思维规则,而这正是他们能够顺应客观条件的产物,是保证其生存发展的基础。正因为如此,伴随着这一用生命传承下来的古老文化在现代文明社会中的急剧丧失,必然会使对于定居生产生活还未适应的驯鹿鄂温克人的思想意识产生出种种困惑和矛盾,甚至会危及他们的生存。因此,对驯鹿鄂温克人的文化进行抢救和保护以及深入细致地进行调查研究,不仅是十分必要的,而且也是十分紧迫的工作。该论文通过对驯鹿鄂温克人文化之研究,试图解决这一独特群体的传统文化与现代文化的互动关系,以探求在新时期保存和发扬优秀传统文化的新途径。 该论文以大量文献资料以及本人田野调查的丰富的第一手资料为依据,分成以下四个部分具体分析和讨论驯鹿鄂温克人的传统文化:第一章绪论部分从文化人类学的视角对驯鹿鄂温克人文化的研究方法和理论进行科学阐述,同时概述了国内外对驯鹿鄂温克人的研究状况,指出了对驯鹿鄂温克人传统生产生活开展学术研究的紧迫性、现实性以及重要性,进而阐明了对驯鹿鄂温克人优秀传统文化研究的学术价值和理论意义。第二章通过对驯鹿鄂温克人的狩猎文化、驯鹿文化、桦树皮文化、兽皮文化、饮食文化、居住文化的结构、功能、特点的分析论述,阐明了他们具有浓厚山林民族色彩的物质文化。第三章从语言、婚姻文化、丧葬文化、口头文学与艺术以及他们的动植物崇拜直至萨满教的结构、功能、特点等对驯鹿鄂温克人带有浓厚民族特点的精神文化进行了分析和论述。最后在结语部 分中,对驯鹿鄂温克人的文化特点进行了概括性论述,并阐明了保存和发扬驯鹿 鄂温克人优秀传统文化的重要性以及具体措施,,同时提出把驯鹿鄂温克人千百年 来用生命传承下来的、有着重要研究价值的优秀传统文化应作为民族地区的特色 文化加以重视和保护,并发扬光大。 论文以马克思主义的辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义和民族问题理论作为指导 原则,运用古代文献资料、民族学调查资料以及考古学、语言学、人类学、生态 学、历史学、民俗学等相关学科的资料,采用综合研究和实地调查的方法,对我 国驯鹿鄂温克人的文化进行全面而系统的研究。广泛运用实地调查的丰富的第一 手资料是该论文的一大特色。该论文的立脚点、中心点以及论述的目的均在于客 观、实在、科学地解决和论证驯鹿鄂温克人古老而文明、纯朴而传统的文化的独 特性和丰富内涵。该论文通过详细论述和理论分析,力求使人们能够深入了解和 认识我国驯鹿鄂温克人传统文化的内在活力,从而为保存和弘扬这一古老而传统 的民族文化进行切实有效的工作,使驯鹿鄂温克人在我国社会发展进程中充分发 挥其应有的作用。全文约十六万字。
[Abstract]:Reindeer Ewenki people are those who live in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hulun Buir city under the jurisdiction of Genhe City olguya Ewenki nationality township of the Ewenki people, known as "deer", the use of the language is Manchu - Tungusic group of Aoluguya Ewenki dialect, Xiang statistics for the population in 2001 232, is a unique group of our country in the according to historical records, many high temperature forest tundra Reindeer Ewenki ancestors in the 2000 BC living in Lake Baikal and Lake Baikal in the north-east nercha River upstream. By sixteenth Century to mid seventeenth Century, they caught up with the northwest wild reindeer to Lake Baikal with Wei Lu column River tributary river and the Tim River - eighteenth Century. In this part, reindeer and Shilka came to Eergu'Na along the right bank of the river Greater Khingan Range. Greater Khingan Range in the rich water and various fish birds and animals, They have become the source of food and clothing. In the mountain forests, special geographical environment and natural conditions of the picturesque scenery, they lived a life with reindeer herding and hunting production as the center of the forest. In the long historical process, Reindeer Ewenki people created and developed with a strong ethnic characteristics of the reindeer culture, hunting culture the birch bark culture, culture, animal skins, bear culture, shamanistic culture.
The Reindeer Ewenki people follow generations living in the ancient wild reindeer in the wooded mountain, never left the forest, had little contact with the outside world, and thus more intact production of extremely old and living content, fully showing the North Mountain National Ancient, pure and natural, as one of the rules of thinking and cultural connotation. A representative, is engaged in the nation in northern society, history, cultural development is one of the indispensable study on the evolution of the content.
However, with the widespread contact of Reindeer Ewenki people settle down and modern society, the traditional culture is disappearing fast. For them, the traditional culture actually represents a kind of life style and means, is also a kind of survival philosophy and philosophy of survival. The extremely rare population of Reindeer Ewenki people for thousands of years has been living in the alpine mountain area and no extinction, nor on the ecological environment caused by any damage, because they have to adapt to the forest life, not a migration of survival ability and skills, is a unique way of life to overcome all the difficulties they face, and this is closely related to the cultural characteristics and the rule of thinking, and this it is a product they can conform to the objective conditions, is the foundation to ensure its survival and development. Because of this, along with the life of inherited ancient literature In the modern civilized society has lost, will make the production of settled life has not adapt to the ideology of Reindeer Ewenki people produce confusion and contradictions, and even endanger their survival. Therefore, the Reindeer Ewenki culture and rescue and protection of a thorough investigation and study, not only is very necessary, but also very urgent. This paper through the study of Ewenki culture, trying to solve the interaction of a unique group of traditional culture and modern culture in the new period, in order to explore new ways to preserve and carry forward the excellent traditional culture.
This thesis takes a large number of documents and field investigation rich first-hand information as the basis, divided into the following four parts detailed analysis and discussion of Reindeer Ewenki traditional culture: the first chapter from the perspective of cultural anthropology of Ewenki culture research methods and theory of scientific explanation, and summarizes the research status the Reindeer Ewenki people at home and abroad, points out the urgency to carry out academic research on the Ewenki traditional production life, reality and importance, and illustrates the research of Reindeer Ewenki excellent traditional culture of the academic value and theoretical significance. The second chapter focuses on the Reindeer Ewenki hunting culture, reindeer culture, birch bark culture, animal skins culture, food culture, living culture structure, function, characteristics analysis, illustrates their strong national colors of the mountains The material culture. The third chapter from the language, marriage culture, funeral culture, oral literature and art and dynamic structure, until their plant worship of Shamanism, with strong national characteristics characteristics of Reindeer Ewenki people's spiritual and cultural are analyzed and discussed in the concluding part.
Divided, cultural characteristics of the Reindeer Ewenki people are summarized, and expounds the preservation and promotion of reindeer
The importance of the excellent traditional culture of Ewenki people and the specific measures, and at the same time the reindeer for thousands of years
The outstanding traditional culture, which has the important research value, should be the characteristic of the ethnic region.
Culture attaches great importance to and protects.
The thesis is guided by the dialectical materialism of Marx, the historical materialism and the theory of national problems.
Principles, the use of ancient literature, ethnological survey data and archaeology, linguistics, anthropology, and ecology
Study, history, folklore and other related subjects, using comprehensive research and field investigation method, to me
The Reindeer Ewenki people culture comprehensively and systematically. Widely used field survey of the rich first
Hand is a major feature of the paper. The paper discusses the center point and foothold, the purpose lies in the guest
View, really, scientific solution and demonstration of Reindeer Ewenki ancient civilization, simple and traditional culture alone
Characteristics and rich connotation. Through detailed and theoretical analysis, the paper tries to make people understand and understand deeply.
The internal vitality of understanding of China's traditional culture of Reindeer Ewenki people, so as to preserve and develop the old and traditional
The effective work of the national culture, the reindeer fully in our country in the process of social development
The full text of the full text is about sixteen thousand words.
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