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发布时间:2018-06-03 09:03

  本文选题:民国 + 新疆 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:本文以民国时期新疆民族关系为研究内容,运用民族学和历史学研究的理论和方法论述民国时期(1912-1949年)新疆的民族分布格局及其变化、历任执政者的民族政策及实施效果、各阶段的民族关系及其变化这三个方面,目的是想探索和总结治理边疆少数民族地区的经验和教训、影响民族关系的基本因素及调解手段,以便为当今民族关系的调解和改善提供借鉴,希望能学以致用,为我国西北边疆民族地区的安全、稳定、和谐、发展献上一份力量。 本文通过对史料文献的梳理和分析,认为: 1.杨增新在非常艰难的条件下,自力更生,切合实际,灵活运用羁縻牵制政策,杂以黄老之术,尽力消除威胁新疆安全稳定和他统治权力的各种因素,治理新疆长达17年,一度达到他所追求的“保境安民”的目的。人民对政府的拥护和信任程度比清末时期大大提高,能够各谋生业,维持基本的温饱生活,族际关系相对和睦、平等,彼此之间的歧视与隔阂大大降低。民族关系呈现的突出特点是“平衡稳定,相安无事。”但“双泛”思想传入新疆后,受到部分民族人士的追捧,潜滋暗长,成为破坏民族关系的隐患。在民族分布格局上也稍有变化,即阿尔泰蒙古族一部因热爱祖国,反对分裂,内迁孚远;塔城、阿尔泰未归并新疆省以前,每年都有一定数量的哈萨克逃往新疆省属的北疆各地;俄属哈萨克、布鲁特、俄罗斯、维吾尔、回、汉族等因战乱和反对革命等因素逃窜中国,对新疆各民族造成一定冲击,使得部分民族因此迁徙别处。 另就学界通行的杨增新主导任命并加封阿尔泰和塔城哈萨克王公贵族的爵位问题、杨增新阴谋残杀农民暴动者的说法等进行分析,提出自己看法。 2.金树仁上台后,专重维护一己私利而置人民利益于不顾。政治上腐败不堪,官吏贪婪横暴,虽大幅扩军而兵质腐败依旧,只知道欺压百姓而不能保国卫民;经济上残酷压榨人民,滥发纸币,乱收重税,垄断羔皮生意与民争利;民族关系上,不注重团结抚绥各族,处理民族问题不慎重、不公道,制造民族矛盾。人民不堪忍受,申告无门,民怨沸腾,哈密改土归流即为显例。社会问题积累到一定程度,就以民族矛盾的形式爆发出来。外力介入,马仲英入新,使新疆的民族关系更加复杂波动。战火蔓延、社会糜烂,各族人民深受其害,汉族官民首当其冲。民族关系迅速恶化,极端分子猖狂一时,仇杀和分裂随之出现,孽生出“东突”分裂政权,对新疆民族关系造成严重破坏。虽因不得人心而覆灭,但遗害无穷。 这一时期新疆民族关系的特点是互不信任,互相仇视和防范,并发展到公开对抗仇杀、各族离心离德,民族分裂由思想意识转变为反动实践。民族分布格局发生变化,东疆哈密、鄯善、吐鲁番、托克逊、迪化等地的维吾尔、回族和进入新疆的甘青回族在战乱中大批向南疆转移;而另一方的汉、回族军民为寻求保护和生存,从边远的农、牧区和小城镇向较大的城市集中,并与政府军结成一体。 新疆的民族问题实际上多由政治问题所引发,是社会矛盾积累和爆发的结果。如果统治者自私、腐败、贪婪、专横、残暴,肯定会失去解决社会矛盾的能力,他采取的镇压措施不但不能解决问题,反而会激发更大的反抗,从此进入恶性循环,直到统治灭亡。 3.盛世才在苏联的帮助下巩固统治。他在执政的大部分时间内,用半马列主义理论指导实践,以和平、亲苏、反帝、民平、清廉的姿态,励精图治,全面建设新新疆。各族人民初步享受了到建设的成果,衷心拥护六大政策和盛督办。特别是抗日战争时期,新疆各族人民同仇敌忾,为抗日战争作出了重大贡献。这一时期新疆的民族关系和睦友好,互帮互助,国家意识和民族意识都大大增强。但这种国家意识的增强却不是直接的,而是分层次的,中间横隔着盛世才,即人民效忠盛世才,盛世才再与国、共两党发生横向联系。而且长期的亲苏政策培养了一批倾向和仰慕苏联的各族人士。 但盛世才的独裁专政和特务统治,苏联的控制利用,中国共产党人影响力的不断增强,彼此之间有着不可调和的矛盾。1937年以后连续发生的四次大规模的“阴谋暴动案”既反映这些矛盾斗争之激烈,也标志着盛世才走向反动。哈萨克族的逃亡与暴动标志着人民已不堪忍受,剧烈的社会震荡使各族人民再一次惨遭荼毒。暴政摧毁了人民对政府的信任,部分少数民族更是对汉族统治者产生恶感,民族关系迅速恶化。国民党政府接掌新疆缺乏足够的预防,新旧政权交替之际形成漏洞,苏联借机煽动报复。诸多因素摧生一个既反抗盛世才和国民党统治,又分裂中国的“东突”政权。 这一时期新疆民族关系的变化是先好后坏,民族分布格局的变化主要体现在哈萨克族不断向甘肃逃亡,有些还逃往外蒙古、苏联、印度、阿富汗等国。而盛世才反苏的原因,既有他军阀政客的投机心理,也是苏联的压迫所促使。 4.国民党政府收复新疆军政权力后,即遭逢伊宁事变。在军事失败,政治混乱,经济遭受巨大破坏,人民生活更加艰难,各种社会思潮泛滥,各民族内部分化严重,民族矛盾复杂尖锐的情况下,为维护中国领土和主权的完整与统一,它对“伊宁事变”采取极为宽容的让步态度。张治中组建联合政府,请“三区”领导人担任重要职务,处处迁就,竭力要把“三区”纳入中央政府的管理体制。但伊宁方面在苏联的支持下,以争取民族解放为目标,决心要把国民党赶出新疆。同样是在苏联的协调下,伊宁方面转变态度,与中国共产党取得联系,并接受中共中央的领导,最终纠正错误,汇入中国新民主主义革命的洪流。 这一时期的民族关系,以开始时的武装对抗、混乱错位、分化严重、各种民族思潮泛起交锋,到后来的求和无平、分而不裂为显著特征。在民族分布格局上,以两大阵营为代表,各族各阶层向倾向的一方聚集,哈萨克族则时左时右,很多哈萨克和其他民族甚至远迁外蒙古和苏联,战乱中各族人民流离失所,抛家舍业,毫无保障安宁。 国民党为维护新疆领土完整统一的努力是值得肯定的,其应对政策的整体失败也是需要认真总结经验教训的。 影响和调节民族关系的重要因素,第一,是各民族之间形成的地理、历史、经济、文化、宗教等方面的联系和互动;第二,是统治者的民族和宗教政策;第三是周边国家和地区的外力插手干预。
[Abstract]:This paper, based on the study of Xinjiang national relations in the period of the Republic of China, uses the theories and methods of Ethnology and history research to discuss the distribution pattern and changes of the ethnic groups in Xinjiang during the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949 years), the national policy and implementation effect of the ruling people, the three aspects of the national customs and changes in each stage, and the aim of the study. To sum up the experience and lessons of the border minority areas, and to influence the basic factors and mediating means of ethnic relations, so as to provide reference for the mediation and improvement of the ethnic relations today, and hope to learn to use it and offer a strength for the security, stability, harmony and development of the ethnic areas in the northwest border areas of our country.
Through combing and analyzing historical documents, this paper holds that:
1. Yang Zengxin, under very difficult conditions, was self reliant, practical and practical, flexibly applied the policy of restraint, mixed with yellowish old art, and tried to eliminate all the factors that threatened the security and stability of Xinjiang and his ruling power. It had been harnessing Xinjiang for the last 17 years, and at one time reached the goal of the "security of the people" he pursued. The people's support and trust in the government It is better than the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is able to seek livelihood, maintain the basic life of food and clothing, and have a relatively harmonious relationship between ethnic groups, equality, discrimination and estrangement between each other. The prominent feature of the national relationship is "balanced and stable, safe and safe." but "double pan" thought was introduced to Xinjiang and was sought after by some ethnic people. In the distribution pattern of ethnic minorities, there is a slight change in the pattern of ethnic distribution, that is, one of the Altai Mongol people, because of their love of the motherland, is opposed to splitting and moving to Fuyuan; in Tacheng, before Altai has not returned to Xinjiang, a certain number of Kazakh has fled to Xinjiang province of Northern Xinjiang every year; Russia is Kazakh, brat, and Russia. Ross, Uygur, Hui, Han and other factors fled China due to war and opposition to revolution, which caused a certain impact on all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.
In addition, Yang Zengxin led the academic circle to appoint and seal the title of the royal nobility of Altai and Tacheng Kazakh.
After the 2. golden tree kernel, it is special to maintain private interests and ignore the interests of the people. Politically corrupt, officials greedy and corrupt, although large army expansion and the military corruption still, only know how to bully the people and not protect the people; the economic cruelty squeezing the people, disorderly income tax, the monopoly of the lamb business and the people; ethnic relations, We do not pay attention to the unity and pacification of the ethnic groups and Suiyuan, to deal with ethnic problems indiscreet, unfair, and to create ethnic contradictions. The people are unbearable, the people are unbearable, the complaints are unbearable, the civil resentment is boiling and the Hami is reclassified as an example. The social problems have been accumulated to a certain extent and are erupted in the form of ethnic contradictions. External intervention, Ma Zhongying's entry to the new, makes Xinjiang's national relations more complex. The spread of the war, the spread of the war, the erosion of the society, the people of all ethnic groups, the Han officials and the people were the first to bear the brunt. The ethnic relations were rapidly deteriorating, the extremists were rampant for a moment, the enemy killed and split up, and the sin created the "East Turkistan" split power, causing serious damage to the ethnic relations of Xinjiang.
In this period, the characteristics of the ethnic relations in Xinjiang were mutual distrust, mutual hatred, mutual hatred and prevention, and developed to the public against enemy killing, the alienation of all ethnic groups, the transformation of ethnic groups from ideological consciousness to reactionary practice. The ethnic distribution pattern changed, the Uygur of Hami, Shanshan, Turpan, Tockson, Dihua and other places of the eastern Xinjiang Uygur, Hui and Xinjiang. In the war, the Qing Hui people moved to the southern Xinjiang, while the other side of the Han Dynasty, the Hui army and the people were seeking protection and survival, from the remote agriculture, pastoral areas and small towns to the larger cities, and formed an integration with the government army.
In fact, the ethnic problems in Xinjiang are caused by political problems, which are the result of the accumulation and outbreak of social contradictions. If the rulers are selfish, corrupt, greedy, tyrannical and brutal, they will certainly lose their ability to solve social contradictions. The measures taken by him will not only solve the problems, but will stimulate greater resistance and enter a vicious circle from then on. To the demise of rule.
3., with the help of the Soviet Union, he strengthened its rule with the help of the Soviet Union. He guided practice with the semi Marxism theory for most of the time, with peace, the Soviet Union, the anti imperialism, the people's peace, and the integrity of the new Xinjiang. The people of all ethnic groups initially enjoyed the achievements of the construction and wholeheartedly supported the six policies and the prosperous supervision. Especially the Anti Japanese war. During the period of the struggle, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang shared a common cause for the war of resistance against Japan. In this period, the national relations of Xinjiang were friendly and friendly, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, and the national consciousness and national consciousness were greatly enhanced. However, the enhancement of the national consciousness was not direct, but in a hierarchical way. The middle horizontal was separated by Sheng Shicai, the people's loyalty to Sheng Shicai, Sheng Shicai had a lateral connection with the state, and the long-term Pro Soviet policy fostered a group of people who tended to admire the Soviet Union.
But Sheng Shicai's dictatorship and special affairs, the control and use of the Soviet Union, the continuous enhancement of the influence of the Chinese Communists, and the incompatible contradiction between each other, four successive large-scale "plot riots" after.1937 years reflect both the fierce struggle and the Sheng Shicai's reactionary. The escape and the Uprising marked the unbearable people of the people. The violent social shock caused the people of all ethnic groups to be once again in full swing. The tyranny destroyed the people's trust in the government. Some ethnic minorities had a bad feeling for the Han rulers, and the national relations deteriorated rapidly. The Kuomintang government took over the Xinjiang, which lacked sufficient prevention and the old and new regimes alternated. The Soviet Union took the opportunity to stir up retaliation. Many factors brought about a "East Turkistan" regime that rebel against Sheng Shicai and Kuomintang rule and split China.
In this period, the change of ethnic relations in Xinjiang was good and bad. The change of national distribution pattern was mainly reflected in the escape of Kazak to Gansu, some of which fled to Mongolia, the Soviet Union, India, Afghanistan and other countries. The reasons for Sheng Shicai's anti Soviet Union were both his warlords' political psychology and the oppression of the Soviet Union.
4. after the recapture of the Xinjiang military and political power, the Kuomintang government suffered from the Yining incident. In the case of military failure, political chaos, great economic damage, the people's life more difficult, all kinds of social trends of thought spread, the internal divisions were serious and the ethnic contradictions were sharp, the integrity and unity of China's territory and sovereignty were maintained. The "Ning incident" took a very tolerant and concession attitude. Zhang Zhizhong formed a joint government, invited the leaders of the "three districts" to serve as an important post and moved everywhere and tried to bring the "three zone" into the central government's management system. But under the support of the Soviet Union, Yining was determined to drive the Kuomintang out of Xinjiang with the aim of striving for national liberation. Under the coordination of the Soviet Union, Yining changed its attitude, got in touch with the Communist Party of China, accepted the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and finally corrected the mistakes and joined the flood of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution.
The ethnic relations in this period, with the armed confrontation at the beginning, were disorderly and disintegrated, and the ethnic trend of thought went into a confrontation, to the later demand and the unequal, but not a distinct feature. In the national distribution pattern, the two camps were represented by all ethnic groups to the inclined side, while Kazakh was left right and a lot of Kazakh. And other ethnic groups and even far away from Mongolia and the Soviet Union, the people of all ethnic groups in the war were displaced, leaving their homes and businesses without any security and tranquility.
The efforts of the Kuomintang to safeguard the integrity and unity of Xinjiang's territory are affirmative, and the failure of its policies should also be carefully summed up.
The important factors affecting and regulating the national relationship, first, are the connections and interactions between the nationalities, such as geography, history, economy, culture and religion, and second, the national and religious policies of the rulers; and the third is the intervention of the peripheral countries and regions.


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