本文选题:贵州苗族 + 生态文明 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Ecological civilization is a form of human civilization after primitive civilization, agricultural civilization and industrial civilization. Since the human civilization entered the industrial age, on the one hand, it has brought great material wealth to mankind, but also has brought huge security hidden danger to human society. The diversity of the ecosystem in the high development of the economic model, the ecosystem has been seriously damaged, at this time the harmony between man and nature, man and society is also facing a severe challenge. Therefore, in the face of this ecological environment situation, we should seriously examine and reflect in dealing with the relationship between man and nature, man and society. In the daily social practice of Miao people in Guizhou, they have gradually formed their unique view of ecological nature and ecological education, and the cognition of ecological civilization contains rich ecological protection thought and relatively scientific ecological system. Therefore, in Guizhou Miao ecological civilization construction and ecological civilization education project, we can sum up the Guizhou Miao Miao ecological education thought through the social practice, It provides theoretical basis for future socialist ecological civilization education and construction of ecological civilization in China. As a city in the western province of China, Guizhou has a special geographical and cultural environment, where there are various ethnic minorities, especially the Miao nationality. Guizhou Miao nationality has a long history of origin and development. It is a part of 56 ethnic groups in China and the fourth largest minority in China. The Miao people in Guizhou have their own unique cultural forms. In the construction of ecological civilization of the Miao people in Guizhou, we should timely sort out the traditional ecological civilization thoughts of the Miao people in Guizhou. Thus, it is beneficial to enrich and deepen the theoretical system of socialist ecological civilization construction in China. In the process of ecological thought cognition of Miao nationality in Guizhou, the mutual relation between man and nature, between man and society, and between man and man should be the premise of respecting nature. Cultural activities that worship plants and worship religious beliefs. The Miao people enlighten the living habits of the Miao people through the customs of nature, religious belief and sacrificial activities, so as to restrict and guide the Miao people to carry out the practical activities of ecological civilization education. Although Guizhou Miao's ecological consciousness, ecological thought and ecological education are scattered, not strictly become the system theory system. However, when human civilization enters into industrial civilization and the natural environment and ecological environment are seriously out of balance, it is of great practical value to excavate, sort out and use the ecological thoughts of Miao nationality in Guizhou to maintain the balance of ecosystem. Through the study of a series of contents of ecological civilization education of Miao nationality in Guizhou, this paper combs and consults the relevant contents and documents of ecological civilization education, synthesizes the problems and present situation of ecological education of Miao nationality in Guizhou, and carries on objective, The reasonable analysis and follow Marx's ecological civilization view, for Guizhou Miao nationality ecological civilization education obtains the good development, proposed the solution question suggestion and the reference. Furthermore, it provides a theoretical reference for ecological civilization education and ecological civilization construction in many ethnic regions of our country.
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