[Abstract]:Distinguished experts, distinguished guests from afar, dear friends, good morning! Today, invited by the CPPCC to attend the 80 th birthday of Mr. Yang Huazhong academic seminar, I feel heartily happy. Mr. Yang Huazhong was the first generation of scholars who grew up after the founding of New China. Because of his outstanding talent and special opportunities, he was able to inherit the academic unity of the Islamic studies of the Chinese Hui nationality, and achieved outstanding achievements. It has made great contributions to the foundation of the subject of Hui nationality and the development of academic field. Mr. Yang Huazhong, with his outstanding achievements in his work, has won an international reputation not only for the Hui people, but also for Ningxia, and for the Chinese culture. Mr. Yang Huazhong is a famous scholar who loves both his own country and his own nation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民政治协商会议宁夏回族自治区委员会;
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