发布时间:2018-10-13 09:58
【摘要】: 象征是世界各民族中普遍存在的文化现象,,它随着文化的产生而产生,并随着文化的发展而变迁。象征具有明显的族群性,各族群的象征表现形式均有所不同。文化象征是人类学、民族学研究的重要内容。 满族文化与所有民族文化一样,象征形式和象征行为十分普遍,它们表现在社会生活的各个方面。然而,学术界对于满族的研究大多是从历史和宗教的角度进行的,从象征的角度进行的研究则为数不多。 本文根据作者的调查资料和历史文献资料,运用象征人类学、群体的历史记忆及文化涵化理论,对辽东地区岫岩满族自治县的仪式象征作较为系统的分析和探讨。 本文首先对象征的概念和象征人类学的研究内容及研究情况作了简单的阐述,对自己的调查情况作了说明。 其次,文章对满族人生礼仪和岁时礼仪中的象征表现形式作了较为详细的介绍和分析,说明各种象征形式和行为所表现的意义与观念,分析了满族仪式中的象征形式与汉族相同或相似的原因,认为它是文化涵化的结果。涵化的方式是顺涵化,而不是逆涵化;是有意识的涵化,而不是无意识的涵化。 第三,文章就仪式象征的分类及其特点作了探讨,指出满族的仪式象征可分为实物象征、行为象征、言语象征、颜色象征和方位象征五类,并认为满族的象征与其他民族的象征一样,具有多义性、变异性和族群性等特征。 第四,文章从结构的角度,对满族的象征形式和象征行为作了分析,认为能指(指示者)和所指(被指示者)是象征的基本结构:实物象征、行为象征、言语象征、颜色象征和方位象征等象征物和行为是象征的表层结构,满族的人生观、婚姻家庭观、伦理道德观、宗教观、族群认同观等是象征的深层结构。
[Abstract]:Symbolism is a universal cultural phenomenon in all nations of the world. It comes into being with the emergence of culture and changes with the development of culture. Symbolism has obvious ethnic character, and the forms of symbolism of each ethnic group are different. Cultural symbolism is an important part of anthropology and ethnology. The Manchu culture, like all ethnic cultures, is very common in symbolism and symbolism, which is manifested in all aspects of social life. However, academic research on Manchu is mostly from the perspective of history and religion, but from the perspective of symbolism few. Based on the author's investigation and historical documents, this paper makes a systematic analysis and discussion on the ritual symbolism of Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County in eastern Liaoning using symbolic anthropology, historical memory of groups and cultural acculturation theory. In this paper, the concept of symbolism and the research content and research situation of symbolic anthropology are briefly described, and their own investigation is explained. Secondly, the article gives a detailed introduction and analysis of the symbolic forms in Manchu life etiquette and etiquette at the age of years, and explains the significance and concept of various symbolic forms and behaviors. This paper analyzes the reason why the symbol form of Manchu ceremony is the same or similar to Han nationality, and thinks that it is the result of cultural acculturation. The way of acculturation is acculturation, not reverse acculturation; conscious acculturation, not unconscious acculturation. Thirdly, the paper discusses the classification and characteristics of ritual symbol, and points out that the ritual symbol of Manchu can be divided into five categories: physical symbol, behavior symbol, speech symbol, color symbol and orientation symbol. The symbol of Manchu has the characteristics of polysemy, variability and ethnicity, just like the symbol of other nationalities. Fourthly, from the point of view of structure, the paper analyzes the symbolic form and behavior of Manchu, and concludes that signifier and signifier are the basic structure of symbol: physical symbol, act symbol, speech symbol, and so on. The symbol and behavior of color symbol and orientation symbol are the surface structure of the symbol, while the Manchu people's outlook on life, marriage and family, ethics, religion and ethnic identity are the deep structure of the symbol.
[Abstract]:Symbolism is a universal cultural phenomenon in all nations of the world. It comes into being with the emergence of culture and changes with the development of culture. Symbolism has obvious ethnic character, and the forms of symbolism of each ethnic group are different. Cultural symbolism is an important part of anthropology and ethnology. The Manchu culture, like all ethnic cultures, is very common in symbolism and symbolism, which is manifested in all aspects of social life. However, academic research on Manchu is mostly from the perspective of history and religion, but from the perspective of symbolism few. Based on the author's investigation and historical documents, this paper makes a systematic analysis and discussion on the ritual symbolism of Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County in eastern Liaoning using symbolic anthropology, historical memory of groups and cultural acculturation theory. In this paper, the concept of symbolism and the research content and research situation of symbolic anthropology are briefly described, and their own investigation is explained. Secondly, the article gives a detailed introduction and analysis of the symbolic forms in Manchu life etiquette and etiquette at the age of years, and explains the significance and concept of various symbolic forms and behaviors. This paper analyzes the reason why the symbol form of Manchu ceremony is the same or similar to Han nationality, and thinks that it is the result of cultural acculturation. The way of acculturation is acculturation, not reverse acculturation; conscious acculturation, not unconscious acculturation. Thirdly, the paper discusses the classification and characteristics of ritual symbol, and points out that the ritual symbol of Manchu can be divided into five categories: physical symbol, behavior symbol, speech symbol, color symbol and orientation symbol. The symbol of Manchu has the characteristics of polysemy, variability and ethnicity, just like the symbol of other nationalities. Fourthly, from the point of view of structure, the paper analyzes the symbolic form and behavior of Manchu, and concludes that signifier and signifier are the basic structure of symbol: physical symbol, act symbol, speech symbol, and so on. The symbol and behavior of color symbol and orientation symbol are the surface structure of the symbol, while the Manchu people's outlook on life, marriage and family, ethics, religion and ethnic identity are the deep structure of the symbol.
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